
Hello everyone

All of us here at Scottish Fencing hope you are enjoying the opportunities to get back fencing indoor and connecting with friends and club-mates, old and new. It’s been great to see so many clubs getting back up and running, not to mention seeing some Olympic action on TV and other media. 

Over the month of August, we will  participate in a common theme with other governing bodies and sportscotland, encouraging people to #TrySomethingNew. We obviously want to encourage more people to come along to their local (and awesome) fencing club to get an introduction to this amazing sport. We are keen to hear or be tagged in to any and all activity you or your club may be doing to encourage existing members or new members to #TrySomethingNew.

It doesn’t need to be a large project designed to attract lots of new members or anything burdensome. It could even be existing members trying a different weapon – perhaps the regular Epeeist fancies becoming a new Sabreur or Foilist… and of course we would love to see any pictures you are willing to share with us.

If your club is keen to participate, please keep an eye on the SF social media channels and use the hashtag #TrySomethingNew. – We will share some updates of new and innovative things clubs and tournament organisers in the Scottish Fencing world are already up to, but we know there is more out there and we want to help showcase your hard work. 

We’d love to hear from you as you encourage members new and old to #TrySomethingNew.

Please get in touch with us on admin@scottish-fencing.com or check out the contacts page on the website www.scottish-fencing.com - if sharing a project or activity with us it would be great to understand the following -

Can you tell us the name of your #New activity?

Who is it targeted at?

What made you decide to offer this?

How long will it run for?

Can anyone join in?

How do fencers/potential fencers find out more?

Vincent Bryson

Chief Executive

Scottish Fencing