New Events — Scottish Fencing
Glasgow Open
to 6 Apr

Glasgow Open

  • Hutcheson's Grammar School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Entries are live for the 2025 Glasgow Open!

The Glasogw Open organisers are hosting their event on 5 and 6 April in Hutcheson's Grammar School.

This time with three weapons per day to improve running times.

Entry times below, all details available at

NEW FOR 2025: The organisers are very excited to be hosting a ceilidh this year! This will be on Saturday evening in the Glasgow University Union and all are welcome - kids and adults, fencers and non-fencers alike! All details available at .

Check in times:
Saturday 5 April
Men’s Epee: 09:00-09:30
Men’s Sabre: 10:30-11:00
Women’s Sabre: 11:30-12:00

Sunday 6 April
Men’s Foil: 09:00-09:30
Women’s Epee: 09:30-10:00
Women’s Foil: 10:00-10:30

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Coaching Conference 2025
9:00 am09:00

Coaching Conference 2025

This year we are once again teaming up Scottish Archery for a joint Coaching Conference 2025.

Returning to the Stirling Court Hotel on Saturday 26th April 2025. It will be a 9am for 9:30am start and aim to be finished for 5pm. 

The cost for the conference for the day is £35. This includes a 2 course lunch, with tea and coffee intervals during conference as well.

Should you have any questions then please get in touch with Daniel Baker, Club & Community Development Manager - 


This year there will be four workshops on the day. A brief overview of these workshops can be found below.

Workshop Title: Enhancing Coaching Through Effective Questioning and Listening Skills

Description: This interactive workshop is designed to help archery and fencing coaches refine their questioning and listening skills to elevate their coaching techniques and better support their athletes' development. Coaches will explore how to ask questions to encourage critical thinking, self-reflection, and problem-solving in their athletes. Emphasis will be placed on active listening and how it fosters trust, enhances communication, and builds stronger coach-athlete relationships

Delivered by: Victoria & Adrienne from Active Advantage

Workshop Title: Using Psychology to Improve Your Coaching

Brad Fullarton is a HCPC Licensed Sport and Exercise Psychologist based in Ayrshire, and the owner of Ambition Sport Psychology. Brad currently works with various national governing bodies for sport in Scotland, including Scottish Archery, Tennis Scotland and Bowls Scotland, in both individual and team contexts. Brad supports his clients to optimise the relationship with their mind by utilising his 'Triple A Framework' (awareness, acceptance, accountability) to achieve increased well-being and performance. Through the consideration of psychology, Brad aims to offer a different perspective and hopes coaches leave the session with tangible takeaways to improve their coaching and the relationship with their athletes.

Delivered by: Brad Fullarton from Ambition Sport Psychology

Workshop Title: Introduction to Mentoring

This interactive workshop will support participants to explore the role of a mentor and within sport. Through a combination of practical exercises and discussions, participants will gain insight into what makes a successful mentor, and the tools they can use to foster meaningful relationships that contribute to the growth and success of athletes and/or volunteers.

Delivered by: Victoria & Adrienne from Active Advantage

Workshop Title: Sport Conundrums – Adapting as a Coach

This interactive workshop is a discussion led by participants. With different types of scenarios, coaches will discuss and share their ideas on the topic presented to provide and opportunity for networking and discussing how their coaching sessions can be adapted and developed to be accessible for a different range of people trying the sport.

Delivered by: Scottish Archery & Scottish Fencing Team

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Shetland Fencing Tournament
to 15 Jun

Shetland Fencing Tournament

Shetland June Fencing Weekend

A Weekend of Fencing in Shetland 14/15 June 2025

Shetland Fencing Club hold regular recreational club competions. We are making our event in June open to fencers everywhere and want to offer this event as a chance to come and visit Shetland, with help to arrange travel and accomodation, some guided tours around Shetland and a Social Night and meal on the Saturday.

  • Recreational Competition - held on the Saturday or Sunday or over both days. The format and timing of the competiton are flexible and will depend on the numbers of fencers who wish to visit. The event will suit all levels of ability. It is hoped thaat events in both epee and foil will take place.

  • Social Night Saturdday Night - food provided 

  • Accompanied tours of Shetland 

  • Sponsored Boat travel with Northlink. The club has secured discounted ferry travel. We would suggest thinking about taking a long weekend and spending more time in Shetland. Boat discount will apply to days well before and after weekend.

  • Information on accomodation

We have received a lot of interest from fencers already. Due to accomodation and travel being heavily booked in summer, we ask you to consider your trip up and decide as early as you can (that is by end of Jan if possible). 

To take part, enter the rec comp and receive further information on travel, accomodation and Shetland, please email:

Further Informaton will be posted regularly here and once you have registered interest we will keep in touch with updates.

We look forward to welcoming fencers of all levels of ability to Shetland.

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Coach Education
to 23 Mar

Coach Education

Our next coach education weekend takes place on 22 and 23 March at Salle Ossian, Perth.

This weekend will include our new Level 1 assistant coach award. This course is aimed at those aged 16-18 or coaches that are just starting out.

We also plan to have the new Level 2 content available as part of a pilot.

The new courses have online content to complete pre and post course on the sportscotland Brightspace platform, support and assistance will be given as required.

When you sign up for the weekend we will also add you into a group on Basecamp so we can communicate arrangements and share any information about the weekend. It will also give you the opportunity to ask questions and interact with others that are signed up.
We have also received support from sportscotland that will allow us to cost our coach eduaction programme in a more innovative way. If you belong to one or more of the following groups, then coach education could be free for you to complete:

  • Women and girls

  • Under 25

  • Disability

  • Rural community

  • Low SIMD

If you feel you belong to one or more of the above categories then please indicate this on the sign up form (for SIMD we will check your postcode against the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation). You will then have the option to pay a discounted amount of £50 or you can pay £0 if you log 10 hours voluntary coaching within your club and local community, ideally engaging with the highlighted groups above.

If you do not belong to one of the groups above you have the option to pay £150 for the weekend or you can also choose to log 10 hours voluntary coaching ideally with the groups above and pay a discounted rate of £50.

To sign up please complete the registration form

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Scottish Student Fencing Championships
to 9 Feb

Scottish Student Fencing Championships

  • Engage Sport and Fitness Centre, Napier University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Scottish Student Fencing have written a handy guide for both events. You can find the guide SS beginners and individual competitions guide here.

SS Fencing Beginners Championships 24/25

Dates: Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 February 2025

Eligibility: Student must only have been fencing since September 2023 or more recently

Entry Cost: £25 for one weapon, £37.50 for two, £50 for three and £62.50 for four (max. of 4 events per fencer)*

How to Enter: Sign up as a member of the ‘Scottish Student Fencing 24/25’ community on SSS Playwaze and enter the Beginners event here

Entry Deadline: 23:59 on 05/02/25

 SS Fencing Individuals Championships 24/25

Dates: Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 February 2025

Entry Cost: £25 for one weapon, £37.50 for two, £50 for three and £62.50 for four (max. of 4 events per fencer)*

How to Enter: Sign up as a member of the ‘Scottish Student Fencing 24/25’ community on SSS Playwaze and enter the Individuals event here

Entry Deadline: 23:59 on 05/02/25

 * = Please note that your entry via SSS Playwaze will not take payment at the time of entry, and payment will instead be deferred to your institution. This is so we can apply the relevant discounts for fencers that would like to fence multiple weapons across the course of the weekend

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Rising Stars 3 - Salle Ossian
10:00 am10:00

Rising Stars 3 - Salle Ossian


 A warm welcome back to everyone, hope you had a great holiday and are getting ready for the 2024-25 season .  We want to continue to find new ways to support our members and sabre fencing in Scotland as best we can.  With a huge increase in travel, accommodation and entry fees for competition, we want to increase the number of events in Scotland so you can develop and keep your resources focused on the essential qualification and international events you might have as targets this year.  

 To that end, as well as the Open competitions and youth championships on the Scottish Fencing calendar, we are going to run three development competitions each term using our very popular format where you get a round of poules fencing to 5 points followed by a round of poules fencing DE fights.  That way, everyone gets the same amount of competition development opportunity at the right level for you.

 This term we are running competitions at Salle Ossian on the following dates:

 5th October

9th November

14th December

They will be for under 13’s in the morning (10-1pm) and senior (over 13’s) in the afternoon (2-5pm).  The fomat will be one round of poules fencing to 5 points followed by one round of poules fencing to 10 points (for u13) or 15 points (for senior event).  The events will be limited to 18 entries.  There is a charge for these events for non-members of Salle Ossian.

 Any volunteers and contributions of baking etc gratefully received.  

Information on how to book will follow shortly.

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Coach Education
to 8 Dec

Coach Education

  • Phoenix Community centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our next coach education weekend takes place on 7/8 December at Easterhouse Phoenix in Glasgow.

Easterhouse Phoenix Community Centre, 5 Shandwick Street, Glasgow, G34 9BN

This will be the first opportunity for candidates to go through our new Level 1 assistant course. We are currently working with sportscotland and the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) to have all our coaching qualifications recognised by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). Our new Level 1 course sits at stage 5 on the SCQF framework.

Our new qualifications will have some online coursework to complete prior to attending a coach education weekend, the deadline for completing the online content is 2 weeks prior to the weekend so tutors have adequate time to review what each candidate has submitted. When you sign up and indicate you want to complete the new Level 1 full information will sent to you on how to complete all the online coursework.

The new Level 1 is aimed at those who are less experienced in leading fencing activity or are aged 16 or 17. (To complete Level 2 you need to be 18).

We have also recently received support from sportscotland that will allow us to cost our coach eduaction programme in a more innovative way. If you belong to one or more of the following groups, then coach education could be free for you to complete:

  • Women and girls

  • Under 25

  • Disability

  • Rural community

  • Low SIMD

If you feel you belong to one or more of the above categories then please indicate this on the sign up form (for SIMD we will check your postcode against the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation). You will then have the option to pay a discounted amount of £50 or you can pay £0 if you log 10 hours voluntary coaching within your club and local community, ideally engaging with the highlighted groups above.

If you do not belong to one of the groups above you have the option to pay £150 for the weekend or you can also choose to log 10 hours voluntary coaching ideally with the groups above and pay a discounted rate of £50.

Sign up for the coach education weekend on 7/8 December

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Scottish Open 2024
to 1 Dec

Scottish Open 2024

We are delighted to announce that the Scottish Open will now be at Alva Academy. We are very excited for the Open to move to this venue. With a finals hall and plenty of space for additional pistes we look forward to seeing everyone later this year.

There is plenty of accommodation options close by in Stirling.

The event will have two rounds of poules. Entries are now open

The seated event is mixed gender Sabre with no classifications required. The event will be on Sunday morning. Entries for the seated event are now open

Check in times please see below, these are provisional for now the organiser will confirm these once entries close

Saturday 30 November

Men’s Epee - Check in 8.45 - 9am provisional start time 9.30

Women’s Foil - Check in 9.45 - 10am provisional start time 10.30 am

Men’s Sabre - Check in 12.45 - 13.00pm provisional start time 13.30 pm

Sunday 1 December

Men’s Foil Check in 8.45 - 9am provisional start time 9.30 am

Seated Sabre Check in 9.15 - 9.30 am provisional start time 10am

Women’s Epee Check- in 9.45 - 10am provisional start time 10.30 am

Women’s Sabre Check in 12.30 - 12.45 pm provisional start time 13.15 pm

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Rising Stars 2 - Salle Ossian
10:00 am10:00

Rising Stars 2 - Salle Ossian


 A warm welcome back to everyone, hope you had a great holiday and are getting ready for the 2024-25 season .  We want to continue to find new ways to support our members and sabre fencing in Scotland as best we can.  With a huge increase in travel, accommodation and entry fees for competition, we want to increase the number of events in Scotland so you can develop and keep your resources focused on the essential qualification and international events you might have as targets this year.  

 To that end, as well as the Open competitions and youth championships on the Scottish Fencing calendar, we are going to run three development competitions each term using our very popular format where you get a round of poules fencing to 5 points followed by a round of poules fencing DE fights.  That way, everyone gets the same amount of competition development opportunity at the right level for you.

 This term we are running competitions at Salle Ossian on the following dates:

 5th October

9th November

14th December

They will be for under 13’s in the morning (10-1pm) and senior (over 13’s) in the afternoon (2-5pm).  The fomat will be one round of poules fencing to 5 points followed by one round of poules fencing to 10 points (for u13) or 15 points (for senior event).  The events will be limited to 18 entries.  There is a charge for these events for non-members of Salle Ossian.

 Any volunteers and contributions of baking etc gratefully received.  

Information on how to book will follow shortly.

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Rising Stars - Salle Ossian
10:00 am10:00

Rising Stars - Salle Ossian


 A warm welcome back to everyone, hope you had a great holiday and are getting ready for the 2024-25 season .  We want to continue to find new ways to support our members and sabre fencing in Scotland as best we can.  With a huge increase in travel, accommodation and entry fees for competition, we want to increase the number of events in Scotland so you can develop and keep your resources focused on the essential qualification and international events you might have as targets this year.  

 To that end, as well as the Open competitions and youth championships on the Scottish Fencing calendar, we are going to run three development competitions each term using our very popular format where you get a round of poules fencing to 5 points followed by a round of poules fencing DE fights.  That way, everyone gets the same amount of competition development opportunity at the right level for you.

 This term we are running competitions at Salle Ossian on the following dates:

 5th October

9th November

14th December

They will be for under 13’s in the morning (10-1pm) and senior (over 13’s) in the afternoon (2-5pm).  The fomat will be one round of poules fencing to 5 points followed by one round of poules fencing to 10 points (for u13) or 15 points (for senior event).  The events will be limited to 18 entries.  There is a charge for these events for non-members of Salle Ossian.

 Any volunteers and contributions of baking etc gratefully received.  

Information on how to book will follow shortly.

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Highland Open 2024
to 29 Sept

Highland Open 2024

Saturday 28th September -Check-in Times:

Men’s Epee 9.30 - 10.00

Men’s Sabre 11.00 - 11.30

Women’s Epee 10.00 - 10.30

Women’s Sabre 11.30 - 12.00

Sunday 29th September - Foil

Men’s Foil 9.30 - 10.00

Women’s Foil 10.30 - 11.00

Entries now open, enter the Highland Open fencing competition here

Closing date midnight Tuesday 24 September 2024

For more information contact Robin Paterson:

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Emergency First Aid at Work
9:30 am09:30

Emergency First Aid at Work

Emergency First Aid at work is a required course for coaches looking to join the British Fencing Coaches Register.

All successful attendees will receive a certificate.

Cost for Scottish Fencing members £40

Cost for non-members £60

Places are limited - if the course is full we may extend numbers if there is enough demand. Email if the course is full and you would like added to the waiting list.

Book First Aid 21 September here

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Child Wellbeing and Protection Training
9:30 am09:30

Child Wellbeing and Protection Training

This is an online course

This course is free to Scottish Fencing members who only have British Fencing safeguarding training and who need to obtain the Scottish qualification in order to be compliant.

Course Description:

Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport (CWPS) supersedes the previous Safeguarding and Protecting Children (SPC) course.  The training will provide you with the knowledge on child wellbeing and protection that will give you the confidence to deal with issues that may arise in your role working with children. 

Suitable for:

16 years + who are in regulated work, delivering or leading sporting activities.

Book 1 Sep CWPS course here

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7:00 pm19:00

Hot Topic - Club Planning and Development - Explore your Club's Why?

Summer is often a quieter time for clubs, allowing for reflection on the previous season. Scottish Fencing is facilitating sessions for clubs and club volunteers to use this quieter time to reset or revise their club purpose, goals and or mission. How to plan for these changes and make your club's vision a reality.

The first session on 13 August 7 - 8pm is open to all club coaches and committee members. The theme is Exploring Your Why and is faclitated by Active Advantage.

Sign up to the Explore Your Why session here.

The next session will look at Club Development Planning on 19 September, details to follow.

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to 31 Jul

Edinburgh Summer International Sparring Camp

A Foil weapon training camp in Scotland, which attracts fencers from around the world as well as our own GB internationalists at all age groups.

Led by GB coach, Keith Cook, be prepared to learn, be inspired and have fun. Single day bookings available.

Saturday 27th July to Wednesday 31st July 2024 @ St George’s School, Edinburgh

For more information — CLICK HERE

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Scottish Schools Championships 2024
to 9 Jun

Scottish Schools Championships 2024

Check in and Start Times


U16 and U18 Epee Boys and Girls          Check in 915 – 930 for a 9.30 start

U14 Sabre Boys and Girls                          Check in 9.15 – 930 for a 9.30 start


U16 and U18 Sabre Boys and Girls        Check in 1pm – 1.15 pm for a 1.30 start

U14 Epee Boys and Girls                           Check in 1pm – 1.15 pm for a 1.30 start



U16 and U18 Foil Boys and Girls            9 – 9.15 Check in for a 9.30 start

U14 Foil Boys and Girls                              12.30 – 12.45 for a 1pm start


Equipment for Under 14s

For the under 14 fencers they will not be fencing in mixed age poules but we still ask that they wear 850N under plastrons.

Weapon sizes:

Foil – size 3 (or below) no lame bib or mask wire needed

Epee – size 2 (or below)

Sabre – size 2 (or below) 800N sabre glove


The full guide to Under 16 and Under 18 kit requirements are on British Fencing’s Equipment guide - fencers will need size 5 weapons.

This is the event to try something new! Borrow some club equipment and try fencing all three weapons over a weekend of fencing. Trophies for each weapon and the best fencer in each age group will win the three weapon trophy. There is also a trophy for best school.

Ages: Under 18, under 16 and under 14 (at secondary school)

School leavers who were at school on 1 January can still compete.

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10:00 am10:00



Book here for U14

Book here for U12

The Rising Stars series of competitions are the premier youth sabre development events in Scotland where future potential gathers to take their early steps towards developing their skills in a performance environment.

·        Great for parents and fencers to learn about fencing competitions

·        Learn how to prepare for competition

·        Learn to compete

·        How does the scoring system work?

·        Learn how to interact positively with competitors, referees and spectators

·        A great cafe and time for parents and competitors to get to know each other

Format: A unique format designed to maximise development opportunities. One round of poule fights to 5 points followed by one round of poule fights to 15 points (10 points for u12's). No elimination.

Age Groups: U12 and U14 events for all boys and girls. You have to be u12 or u14 at the time of the competition. You can enter both events.

Medals: We are rewarding your commitment to development, so fencers who attend 1/3 events get a bronze medal: 2/3 events get a silver medal: and 3/3 attendances earns a gold medla.

Times: U12 events start at 10am and finish around 1230pm. U14 events start at 1pm and finish around 4pm.


Rising Stars I: Saturday 3rd February 2024

Rising Stars II: Saturday 2nd March 2024

Rising Stars III: Saturday 27th April 2024

Entry: Entry will be via online booking which is essential. Entry details will be posted shortly.

Cost: Cost is £12 per event.


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Pathways Training - replacement for cancelled session
10:00 am10:00

Pathways Training - replacement for cancelled session

The Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad brings together the most committed young fencers from across Scotland to practice together regularly, as well as providing educational opportunities for the athletes and their parents.

 Click here for more information on the programme

If you are running late on the day please contact Liz 07803 207349 to let us know you are on your way.

For any other queries please email

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Club and Coach Conference 2024
to 21 Apr

Club and Coach Conference 2024

  • Stirling Court Hotel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


In partnership with Scottish Archery, our Club and Coach Conference aims to give coaches, club volunteers and sport enthusiasts the opportunity to come together to learn, share ideas, network, feel inspired and more knowledgeable and confident across various topics.

We are teaming up with Scottish Archery to deliver a multi-sport event to encourage cross-sport connections and learning.  We believe that there is significant value in this approach and looking forward to welcoming and bringing people together from across the sporting sector.

On the Saturday, there will be workshops delivered on Funding for Clubs and Coaches by Alex Johnston from Spirit of 2012 and Pam Dewar from Sportscotland and Creative Solutions delivered by Victoria Clark and Adrienne Hunter from Active Advantage.

Then on the Sunday it will be over to the the wonderful Scottish Sporting Futures (SSF) taking attendees through three workshops focusing on:

  • Putting the Person First

  • Mental Health Informed Practice

  • Goal Setting.

Further information can be found on the link below, along with the ticket prices which for SF members are £45 for a 1 day ticket and £65 for the weekend ticket - get them quick before they go!! Note: to complete the purchase of your ticket, you will need to create an account on the Scottish Archery Just Go Membership system but this can all be done in less than 5 minutes.

If you have any questions get in touch with Daniel Baker, the Club and Community Development Manager at Scottish Fencing on

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2024 Glasgow Open
to 7 Apr

2024 Glasgow Open

  • Hutchesons' Grammar School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Glasgow Open is on the 6-7 April, 2024.

It is a ranking competition this year and is also the qualifier for the GB Cup - see below.

Epee and Saber on the Saturday and Foil on the Sunday. With a 50% discount for anyone entering two weapons.

You can enter at sport80

For further updates check out @sallesolas on instagram and facebook.

GB Cup

GB Cup is an event for beginner and intermediate fencers. The finals take place later in the year and the Glasgow Open is the only Scottish Qualifier.

The GB Cup is aimed at adult fencers in the lower rankings, those not on the ranking lists, fencers who have recently started the sport and those fencers that have fenced for a number of years but do not currently enter national competitions but want to start and continue competing locally. The eligibility criteria are as follows;

  1. Be aged 16 or over on 1 January 2024.

  2. Be ranked outside of the top 50 of National Senior rankings in their weapon for Women’s Foil, Epee, Sabre and Men’s Sabre and top 80 for Men’s Foil and Epee as at 1 January 2024.

  3. Have never been selected by BF, Home Nation or other National equivalents to represent their Nation at any level (including GB, Home Nations or other National equivalents).

  4. Have never won a Senior Open event

  5. Have a valid BF Membership (Recreational level or higher)

  6. Fencers may only enter the Regional event in the Region they have specified on their British Fencing Membership.

  7. Fencers may only fence in one qualifying event per season.

  8. Fencers must be UK residents.

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