Reporting a concern        

If you have an immediate concern about a child or young person, contact the police on 101, or 999 in an emergency, or your local social work services (Find your local children’s social care team).

You can also receive advice if you have a concern about a child or young person at your club from the Children 1st Child Wellbeing & Protection in Sport team 0141 419 1156  email:

Parentline is run by Children 1st and offers guidance and support to adults concerned about a child up to 9pm weekdays, and 9am to noon on weekends. Tel: 08000 28 22 33 

 You can find more information advice and how to respond to a concern in the following policy, Responding to concerns

When responding to a concern you social services or other services may ask you to refer to Shannarri Indicators (link here).

Low Level Concerns

Do you have a question around safeguarding that is not an immediate concern - are you not sure if it is even a safeguarding issue? Use the form below to give us some information about your concern and we will get in touch with some advice.

It can be that these “niggles” might just be poor practice which are easily addressed with, for example, some further training. There are examples in historical safeguarding cases where if people had raised “niggles” earlier more serious abuse could have been prevented. If something is on your mind - ask and we can advise.

Safeguarding Low Level concern form