2021-22 Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad


2021-22 Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad


Applications will soon be opening to join the 2021-22 Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad!


What is the Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad?


The Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad brings together the most committed young fencers from across Scotland to practice together regularly through the 2021-22 season (September - May), as well as providing online educational opportunities for the athletes and their parents.


What is the purpose of the Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad?


We support the fantastic work being done by fencing coaches and clubs across Scotland, by providing additional practice opportunities for the most committed young fencers.


The focus of the Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad is on fun, learning through games / play, developing curiosity, and connecting with others. We believe this focus is vital to fostering a long-term, positive engagement with our sport.


Who is the Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad for?


For U15 athletes (born in 2007 and after) who are committed to the sport and want to be competitive fencers.


Age categories:

  • Under-15: born 2007–08

  • Under-13: born 2009–10

  • Under-11: born 2011 and after


Reasons to join the Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad

  • Additional opportunities to practice fencing, with other like-minded and committed athletes.

  • Build on the great work already being done with your coach within your club.

  • Improve your understanding of how best to prepare for the challenges of competition.

  • Get to know and make new friends with other fencers from all around Scotland.

Training Information

12 x training sessions; 8 x in-person training days, 4 x virtual education evenings.


  • Sunday 26th September (Salle Ossian - Perth)

  • Sunday 31st October (Forth Valley FC - Stirling and West Fife FC - Dunfermline)

  • Monday 1st November (Online Session)

  • Sunday 28th November (Forth Valley FC - Stirling and West Fife FC - Dunfermline)

  • Sunday 23rd January (Salle Ossian – Perth)

  • Monday 24th January (Online Session)

  • Sunday 20th February (Forth Valley FC - Stirling and West Fife FC - Dunfermline)

  • Sunday 13th March (Salle Ossian – Perth)

  • Monday 14th March (Online Session)

  • Sunday 24th April(Forth Valley FC - Stirling and West Fife FC - Dunfermline)

  • Sunday 29th May (Salle Ossian – Perth)

  • Monday 30th May (Online Session)

Sessions at Salle Ossian – Perth will include all weapons.

Sessions at Forth Valley FC – Stirling and West Fife FC – Dunfermline will be split sessions, depending on numbers per weapon. We will let you know which weapons are at which venue before Sunday 26th September.


In-person training days will be 10am - 3pm (approx); Online sessions will be 7-8.30pm (approx).

Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad Staff

  • Team Manager – Liz Anderson

  • Lead Weapon Coach (Epee) – Rob Blackburne

  • Lead Weapon Coach (Foil) – Stan Stoodley

  • Lead Weapon Coach (Sabre) – Naomi Farmer

  • Pathways Manager – Blair Cremin


£200 for the 2021–22 Pathways season.


Payment Methods:

a)      In full on sign up to squad, or

b)      9 x monthly instalments of £22.50 by Direct Debit.

COVID-19 Guidelines

We are committed to keeping our fencers and staff as safe as possible. We will adhere to the most up-to-date COVID-19 guidelines for sport and physical activity as set by SportScotland and the Scottish Government. This may require us to alter training schedules or stagger the training times for weapon groups and/or age groups. We will inform you of any changes as quickly as we can.   If a fencer or anyone in their household is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, please do not attend in-person training. Follow the guidelines from NHS Inform to keep yourself and others safe:   https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-covid-19-general-advice.

Information Evening

We are running a free, online Information Evening to answer any questions or queries you may have regarding the Pathways programme.

Wednesday 18th August

6.30 – 7.30pm

To sign up, please follow this link – CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP TO INFO EVENING


Sign up link will appear here between Monday 23rd August and Sunday 19th September.


We have maximum 30 spaces available due to COVID restrictions.


If you have any questions, contact Blair Cremin, Pathways Manager at blair.cremin@scottish-fencing.com.