
On the first Monday of every month, our friends at sportscotland run a Twitter chat called #SportHour. This chat allows organisations, clubs and individuals who are interested in sport in Scotland to come together to give their opinion and discuss important topics.

The theme changes every month. On Monday 2nd August, the theme will be “Celebrating Sport”. The questions start at 9pm. Here are this month’s questions in advance:

Celebrating Sport - #SportHour questions

The questions will be asked every 20 minutes starting at 9pm. Remember to include 'A1' in your answer for Q1 and so on for all three questions. Important: tag all your posts with #SportHour so that everyone can see your contribution.

An example is: 'A1 I recently joined the local hockey team, met some great friends, got fit & now I feel fantastic! #SportHour'

Look forward to seeing as many fencing clubs there as possible!
