North Section Training Camp, Shetland, July 2024

Shetland Fencing Club were the hosts of the annual North Section Summer Camp on the 6th and 7th July. They were joined at Clickimin Leisure Complex by fencing clubs from Orkney, Elgin, and Culloden.

The weekend consisted of 2 full days of training, run by Elgin coach Alasdair Urquhart, and a fun competition for fencers of all ages. The competition began with two rounds of poules, where fencers of all experience levels, from complete beginner to ex national fencers, fenced each other. The aim on this recreational format was to allow every fencer the same amount of fencing and to allow experienced fencers to mentor younger fencers and help them to learn refereeing. After this they were seeded into groups of more equal ages and ability, based on the results of the first rounds. Following this, each group had their own round of finals, where fencers took part in direct elimination fights to determine each groups’ winner. Each group was designated a colour instead of a ‘ranking’. Finals took part in a random order in front of the rest of the group cheering on.

The competition set-up allowed for the beginner level fencers to experience a competition format in a friendly environment, and gain valuable experience and support, fencing those of a more senior level.

The Competition structure also allowed, by ranking, the annual Viking Cup to be decided. This is the ‘Inter County’, held between Orkney and Shetland. Shetland Fencing Club won the Intercounty Cup this year. Having given a strong performance throughout the entire competition, Matthew Blance won the top-level group final, claiming his victory as first seed overall out of all thirty-five fencers present.

Both days of fencing were followed by a fun social at the Lerwick Boating Club, where the club had organised a meal, games, and the competition prizegiving.

The Shetland Fencing Club would like to thank Northlink Ferries for sponsoring the weekend, and for bringing fencers from Orkney, Elgin and Culloden to the island safely. They would also like to thank the staff at the Clickimin and the Lerwick Boating Club. A big thanks as well to all parents who volunteered their time at the weekend.

A picture of a group of people in their fencing kit together.