Strategy Update

Thank you to everyone that gave feedback in the last round of engagement. The information you are giving us is proving to be vital in creating a strategic plan for the whole sport.

We also ran our hashtag ‘#’ poll which gave some interesting results and has led to 4 being used. Each area will have it’s own hashtag which will allow communications to be more focused on social media. The full results of the poll can be viewed below.

To complete the final draft of the framework we are looking for your feedback ahead of our investment panel with sportscotland. Following the panel we will find out which parts of our strategy sportscotland will invest in. Generally they will only invest in the parts of the strategy that align with their own outcomes and the Active Scotland framework.

The final version of the strategic plan won’t be due until March next year following the final submission against our current strategy and the final sportscotland investment decisions across all sports. At this point we will be able to share an operational plan.

The final draft of the strategic framework can be viewed here

Please complete our short feedback form here. Feedback will close at 12 noon on Friday 16th August.