How one person can make it a success

After months of preparation Orkney Fencing Club held its first Wheelchair Fencing Taster Session.

Flyers had gone out through the Community Sports Hub and other potentially interested groups, posters had been given to the Sports Centre, and articles had been sent to the local media.

Preloved equipment had been donated by Viv Mills and people had rallied together to get it and the Wheelchair fencing frame(on loan from Scottish Fencing) to Orkney.

What could go wrong?  It seems everything could and did.  The sports centre forgot to put up the posters the local media didn’t run the article and the bus bringing the large group of seniors ended up double booked and they cancelled.

So, it was a slightly subdued me who met my fellow coaches and helpers at the sports centre.

We set everything up and in came the one person I had been hoping for.

A young person with mobility issues turned up despite not feeling well the day before.

A fabulous time was had by all and by the time a second more senior person came for a shot, we were all in high spirits.

The coaches and helpers had multiple bouts with the young person, improving their own wheelchair fencing skills and at the same time having fun with the young person.

Was it a success?

Absolutely, we have one potential wheelchair fencer coming to our next club session and the seniors have requested a session for when they can get their bus.

All we needed was one person and a huge team of willing volunteers.