Opportunity to Have Your Say in Our Strategic Review

Following on from the communication around the strategic review and planning process.

Read the previous article

The first opportunity to have your voice heard is through our engagement survey below. The survey aims to gather initial data around how the current strategic framework (Vision, Mission and Values) resonates with everyone and also start to build a picture of what people like and what could be done differently.

The current strategy is available here

This will allow you to review the Vision, Mission and Values ahead of completing the survey.

There is also an option to sign up to be part of a focus group following on from the survey. The purpose of these groups will be to go a bit deeper than a survey can and get some real examples and specifics from members. The survey has been extended and will now close on 15th May.

Survey can be completed here.

It is really important that we get as much feedback as possible to help shape the next 4 years and beyond so please complete the survey and encourage others in your club to do so as well. Please also put yourself forward for the focus groups as all feedback is welcome and we only benefit from having as many voices as possible.

All the information gathered will be collated and taken to the board and staff ‘away day’ in June where it will directly help to shape the framework for the next strategic plan.

If you have any questions please get in touch with Alan Martin (Chief Operating Officer/Head of Pathways)


Club Focus - Edinburgh Sabre Club’s Sabre Saturdays

Developing active engagement in fencing through fun fencing events for younger fencers.

Edinburgh Sabre Club is a relatively new club started in October 2021, a year later George Watson’s College restarted their fencing club with P6 and P7 year groups being the first new cohorts into the club. Still coming out of lockdown there were very few competitions or events for the new fencers to engage in to get a feel for fencing. With around 70 fencers between the two groups most of whom were in primary school and under 13 there were no Edinburgh based competitions or events from June to January on the calendar in Scotland.

We were not the only ones who had noticed this gap and so inspired by a Sabre Development Competition event hosted by Salle Ossian in November 2021 that used a very familiar format of 1st round of poules fencing to 5 then 2nd round of poules fencing to 10 (this was a system we used in club training in the 1990’s) Sabre Saturdays was born.

The idea was to give young sabre fencers in the Edinburgh area some events that would:

a)      combine the two groups Edinburgh Sabre Club and Watson’s in a friendly event format

b)      allow a stepping stone to competitive fencing

One of the first challenges was kit as none of the fencers had their own sabres, lames, or body wires etc most only had a mask and a glove if anything. The event needed to provide kit for all entrants.

The next issue was finding referees. New fencers could not be expected to referee themselves so two former international teammates of Ben Hanley’s were enlisted - former British Champion Chris Jamieson and former Scotland team member and Commonwealth Silver medallist Robert Anderson - to support the early events.

The first event was held in November 2022 with further events in December 2022, January 2023, May 2023 and then October 2023, November 2023, December 2023, January 2024.

The events are mixed events where boys and girls compete together as the physical differences are not too significant at that age and stage. They have typically been run as U13 age group and have hosted between 18 and 24 fencers on each occasion. We have learned that for these young fencers that poules of 6 works best. Whilst 10 fights may not sound very much, the average number of hits fenced by each competitor ends up being 125 for the event which is equivalent to making the last 4 of a competition with 64 fencers in or the last 2 of a competition with 32 fencers in. More than enough for new fencers in such a young age group. It also allows us to keep the timings under control, running the whole event in under 3.5 hours which helps for parents drop off and pick up. The three child welfare protection officers at Edinburgh Sabre club rotate their attendance and now some of our older fencers help out with refereeing.

The events are popular and have attracted fencers from other clubs in central Scotland and even as far away as Darlington’s Street Swords club. These events are a great way to prepare for competition or for those less sold on becoming a competitor it offers an opportunity to enjoy fencing a wider range of people and to discover their fencing more.

Our next Sabre Saturday event is an U12 and 14 and under (12,13 and 14) event on Saturday 11th May 2024.

To sign up and come along - BOOK HERE

Save The Date - Highland Open 2024

We are less than six months away from one of the highlights of the Scottish fencing calendar, the UKs most northerly ranked competition - The Highland Open!

This year the event will take place over the weekend of 28th & 29th September 2024!

This year promises to be even better, more memorable than last year and we hope to see the Scottish fencing community out in force once more.

Saturday 28th September - Epee and Sabre,

Sunday 29th September - Foil

For more information contact Robin Paterson: robinandlinda1@yahoo.com

Further update will be provided in due course!

Get Involved With Our Strategic Review and Planning

Our current strategic funding cycle with sportscotland will come to an end on 31st March 2025. After that point we will enter the cycle aligned to the LA Olympics/Paralympics in 2028.

Scottish Fencing alongside many other sports will be invited to attend a sportscotland funding panel in October time this year to review what has happened over the past 3 years and to present what the journey will look like for the LA funding cycle. Based on this sportscotland will decide what funding support each sport will receive. It is therefore important for us to understand how the Scottish Fencing Strategic plan aligns to sportscotland’s objectives and also the Active Scotland framework (Government). Any funding received comes both from Scottish Government and from lottery funds.

Prior to that funding panel in October Scottish Fencing will be going through a strategic review and planning process, it is really important that as many members as possible give their views and feedback. There will be plenty of opportunities to do so and in a variety of ways. At this early stage we want to make you aware of the timeline we are working towards as there will be an opportunity for initial feedback coming up very soon.

Late April/May - There will be a member engagement survey coming out to capture views and feedback. For those that are keen we will schedule online sessions to go a bit deeper and get some more detail.

June - Staff and board will have an ‘away day’ where all the feedback given by the members will be on the table and used to create the framework for the LA funding cycle.

August - First draft of the strategic plan completed and made available to members for feedback

September - Final draft completed ahead of sportscotland funding panel

March 2025 - Our funding in principle from sportscotland should be known and we will run engagement sessions with members.

If you have any questions or feedback at points out with what is laid out above please do get in touch with us.

Alan Martin (COO/HOP)

Alan Martin Joins Scottish Fencing

Our newly appointed Chief Operating Officer/Head of Pathways, Alan Martin started his new role this week and has spent time meeting with the staff, board and partners. 

Alan Martin’s head and shoulders smartly dressed wearing a black shirt

“It’s great to be back working in Fencing and I’m looking forward to meeting with members and clubs and getting as much engagement as we can, I’m sure there will be some familiar faces and some new ones as well. If you want to contact me at any point please do reach out.

 It’s an exciting time to be starting as we are coming into the planning phase for the new strategic cycle which will start on 1st April 2025, capturing the voice and thoughts of the members is a critical part of planning the strategy and reviewing what we currently have in place. Over the next few months it will great to engage with and listen to the thoughts and feedback you all have so we can shape the future direction of travel.

 Short term I’m also looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible at the upcoming coach and club conference taking place in Stirling on the 20/21 April. If you haven’t signed up yet and would like to bookings are open until Sunday evening, just visit the event page to book


Alan Martin – COO/HOP

SYC 2024 Results

Congratulations to all the fencers who took part in this years 2024 Scottish Youth Championships.

For some this was their first event so well done in taking that first step in competitive fencing.

Before we list the results a big thank you to all the volunteers from Sancroft Blades who supported the event. to all the volunteer referees and to the parents who cheered on their fencers. Thanks also to Leon Paul Scotland for bringing their equipment stand.

You can find full results for the 2024 SYCs here

Andrew Kettles

Scottish Fencing is sad to announce the loss of another member of the fencing community. Andrew Kettles passed away on Saturday 2 March.

For those that knew Andy there is a Celebration of his life at Stirling Crematorium 22 March at 11am followed by a reception at Tillicoultry Golf Club. Mandy and Calum, Clair and Eilidh have asked for this to be shared so that those who knew Andy as a fencer and who have maybe lost touch can join the family in remembering and celebrating Andy’s life. All are welcome.

Club & Coach Conference 2024

In partnership with Scottish Archery, a Club & Coach Conference will take place on Saturday 20th April and Sunday 21st April 2024 at the Stirling Court Hotel.

Our Club & Coach Conference aims to give coaches, club volunteers and sport enthusiasts the opportunity to come together to learn, share ideas, network, feel inspired and more knowledgeable & confident across various topics.

We are teaming up with Scottish Archery to deliver a multi-sport event to encourage cross-sport connections and learning.  We believe that there is significant value in this approach and looking forward to welcoming and bringing people together from across the sporting sector.

On the Saturday, there will be workshops delivered on Funding for Clubs & Coachesby Alex Johnston from Spirit of 2012 & Pam Dewar from Sportscotland and Creative Solutions delivered by Victoria Clark and Adrienne Hunter from Active Advantage.

Then on the Sunday it will be over the the wonderful Scottish Sporting Futures (SSF) taking attendees through 3 workshops focusing on: Putting the Person First, Mental Health Informed Practice and Goal Setting.

Further information can be found on the link below, along with the ticket prices which for SF members are £45 for a 1 day ticket and £65 for the weekend ticket - get them quick before they go!! Note: to complete the purchase of your ticket, you will need to create an account on the Scottish Archery Just Go Membership system but this can all be done in less than 5 minutes.


If you have any questions get in touch with Daniel Baker, the Club & Community Development Manager at Scottish Fencing on daniel.baker@scottish-fencing.com

Chief Operating Officer and Head of Pathways

Following a competitive recruitment process, Scottish Fencing is very pleased to confirm the appointment of Alan Martin as Chief Operating Officer and Head of Pathways.  Alan joins us from Scottish Archery, where he was Head of Pathways, and will take post on 1 April .  Alan has gained many years of experience across a range of sports including football, hockey – and a previous stint with Scottish Fencing.

A picture of Alan Martin smartly dressed in a black shirt

Alan commented on his appointment: 

“I’m looking forward to engaging with the Fencing community and seeing all the great work that is happening across the country, it will also be good to reconnect with those that are still involved from my previous time with Scottish Fencing. We are about to enter a really critical period of setting the strategy for the next 4 years and beyond so working with the members to shape this is really important. I’m excited about the role and the potential the sport of fencing has within Scotland.”


 We look forward to welcoming Alan into the Staff Team.