Get Involved With Our Strategic Review and Planning

Our current strategic funding cycle with sportscotland will come to an end on 31st March 2025. After that point we will enter the cycle aligned to the LA Olympics/Paralympics in 2028.

Scottish Fencing alongside many other sports will be invited to attend a sportscotland funding panel in October time this year to review what has happened over the past 3 years and to present what the journey will look like for the LA funding cycle. Based on this sportscotland will decide what funding support each sport will receive. It is therefore important for us to understand how the Scottish Fencing Strategic plan aligns to sportscotland’s objectives and also the Active Scotland framework (Government). Any funding received comes both from Scottish Government and from lottery funds.

Prior to that funding panel in October Scottish Fencing will be going through a strategic review and planning process, it is really important that as many members as possible give their views and feedback. There will be plenty of opportunities to do so and in a variety of ways. At this early stage we want to make you aware of the timeline we are working towards as there will be an opportunity for initial feedback coming up very soon.

Late April/May - There will be a member engagement survey coming out to capture views and feedback. For those that are keen we will schedule online sessions to go a bit deeper and get some more detail.

June - Staff and board will have an ‘away day’ where all the feedback given by the members will be on the table and used to create the framework for the LA funding cycle.

August - First draft of the strategic plan completed and made available to members for feedback

September - Final draft completed ahead of sportscotland funding panel

March 2025 - Our funding in principle from sportscotland should be known and we will run engagement sessions with members.

If you have any questions or feedback at points out with what is laid out above please do get in touch with us.

Alan Martin (COO/HOP)