sportscotland Mental Health & Wellbeing Resources

sportscotland is delighted to have collaborated with Hampden Sports Clinic, the Scottish FA and Scottish Rugby to produce a Mental Health and Wellbeing e-learning module, supported by SAMH and Scottish Sports Futures, that will provide players, coaches, parents and officials with the tools and techniques to effectively support participants. This e-learning can be accessed here.


In addition, Scottish Sports Futures have developed a complimentary Mental Health and Wellbeing ETC Workshop that is available for free until the end of March 2022 due to support and funding from Scottish Government. Initially, this offer will be delivered online and is designed specifically to support coaches in their role. Further information on the learning outcomes and the booking process can be found in the attached documents. Further details can be obtained by emailing


Whilst both interventions can be completed independently, we’d recommend that the e-learning module is completed first in order to obtain a basic understanding and awareness, before following up with the ETC Workshop to compliment and support an individual’s learning.

If you attend either of these training opportunities, please let us know!


Funding Scotland - July 2021

Hi All,

we receive a weekly update from Funding Scotland, which highlights a range of different funding streams available in Scotland. Some of these funding streams can be accessed by sports organisations. We have forwarded this on to the club secretaries, and will continue to do so as and when we receive the information from Funding Scotland.

If your club has not received it, please let us know at

Thank you!


Scottish Fencing Updated Guidance 19 July 2021 - Note from the Board

On Wednesday, the Board discussed the evolving relationship between changes in COVID-19 Protection Level, related guidance from the Scottish Government and the ability to organise, or participate in, fencing activities.  Working with sportscotland, the staff team has produced detailed guidance; however, I ask that you bear in mind the following points: 

Level 0 

Level 0 is not “normal”.  This is still a protection level and everyone – whether organisers, participants or facility providers – must adhere to the guidelines.  Please ensure that your COVID Officer is trained and present at each session, that records are maintained and that everyone follows the guidance to support a safe, enjoyable and responsible return to sport. 

Sports Facilities 

The majority of fencing clubs in Scotland rely on access to facilities, often in public buildings.  Whilst guidance is available for operators of facilities, access to club venues may not be available immediately, either due to alternative use (for example as additional teaching space or vaccination centre) or because the operator has not yet prepared facilities for use by clubs.  Local Authorities will be managing change across several locations: please remain patient and maintain a dialogue with your facility provider to enable as smooth a transition as possible. 


Perhaps the most frequent questions that we receive relate to events. As the situation improves, holding competitions or pathway training events will become feasible. However, in relation to selection we remain focussed on ensuring that fencers should not be disadvantaged by virtue of their location (for exmaple if some were unable to travel, when others were), and this will inform when the Board feels it appropriate to hold events. 

Hopefully, we are on the way back to being able to enjoy our sport in a safe environment. Please remember, just because things can happen, that doesn’t mean that they will!

Updated Guidance

As detailed in the guidance on the 1 July 2021 the Scottish Government have updated FACTs and this is the only change to our guidance which you can find here.

Section 81 now reads:

Protecting all of us, takes all of us.  As restrictions are eased, it is vital that we don’t give in. We should continue to:

  • maintain and promote good ventilation

  • wear face coverings in certain settings

  • physically distance in certain settings

  • use good hand and respiratory hygiene and surface cleaning

  • stay at home and book a test if you develop coronavirus symptoms

  • work from home where possible and appropriate

British Fencing have also updated their equipment cleaning protocols which you can find here

Scottish Fencing’s Adaptive Fencing Guidance is here

And if you have any questions please get in touch email us at

Commonwealth Junior & Cadet Fencing Championships 2022 move to London

The Commonwealth Fencing Federation (CFF) have just announced that following a review of the international situation with respect to Covid-19, the Commonwealth Fencing Federation and the Fencing Association of India (FAI) have agreed that the Commonwealth Junior and Cadet Fencing Championships will not be held in India in 2022. The CFF would like to thank FAI for their cooperation in this matter and they are delighted that India has accepted the offer to instead host the event in 2024.

To avoid cancelling CJCFC2022, the CFF have agreed with England Fencing that England will host a combined championships incorporating all of the senior, veteran, cadet and junior categories, and the inaugural Commonwealth Wheelchair Fencing Championship.

This change will, of course, cause a change to the previously published schedule for CFC2022 and CVFC2022. Full details will be communicated in due course.

The entire event will be hosted in London at the University of East London SportsDock from 9 to 20 August 2022 in what promises to be a festival of fencing celebrating the spirit of the Commonwealth. The CFF and EF look forward to welcoming everyone to London in August 2022 for this unique event.

Scottish Fencing updated guidance 1 July 2021

Following the First Minister’s statement on 22 June you can find Scottish Fencing’s Return to Sport and Physical Activity guidance document here, amendments are highlighted.

Key changes for fencing clubs to note are:

  • para 8 Car Sharing guidance wording updated. Note this relates to the current Scottish Government guidance and may be reviewed after 19 July.

  •  Para 11.1 Updated wording to provide further clarity on travelling to a lower level area for activity.

  •  Para 13 Updated to include reference to changes from 19 July.

  •  Para 52 Updated wording and added paragraph on those returning to activity after recovering from Covid-19.

  •  Para 81 FACTS is the current Scottish Government guidance. We are awaiting to an update as to face covering guidance and also note that physical distancing requirements are changing from 19 July.

We have been working with sportscotland to clarify specific details in relation to all remaining local authorities moving to Level 0  on 19 July which hopefully the Scottish Government will confirm on or around 13 July.

From 19 July the key changes relevant to sport and physical activity are:

  • Indoor contact sport and physical activity is permitted.

  • Indoor physical distancing in other settings will be reduced from 2m to 1m.

  • Outdoor physical distancing requirement will be removed.

  •  Informal social gatherings of any number will be allowed outdoor.

  • Organised outdoor events will continue to need to comply with the size limits and processes already set out for level 0.

The First Minister gave an indicative date of 9 August to move beyond Level 0. This is linked to Gateway Conditions being met and suggested baseline measures that will be in place. Once these are finalised we will provide guidance on what this means for fencing activity.

If you have any questions please ask, email us at


Independent Director and Additional Director Vacancies

The Board of Scottish Fencing is looking to appoint two new Directors, one of whom must be female, to join the seven directors elected from and by the membership.

 Role Description

Scottish Fencing is the national governing body for the Olympic sport of fencing in Scotland.   It is responsible for the development of the sport in Scotland and for international fencing where Scotland competes as a separate nation.

The Mission is “To create world class pathways within the sport, inspiring the fencing community to master their chosen environment.”

We are volunteer led and much of what we do is carried out by volunteers in clubs, committees or on the Board of Directors.  Scottish Fencing has three employees, CEO (part-time), Pathways Manager and Operations Manager.

The Board is the primary decision-making body, responsible for the strategic direction of the organisation, the development of policies and programmes, and for oversight of day-to-day activities.

The Opportunity:

In joining the Board of Scottish Fencing you will gain experience of working as a leader of a small but dynamic Governing Body.   You will help to shape the future of Scottish Fencing, at a point where the relationship between sport, health and well-being is strengthening.  Re-invigorating the sport, getting people back into positive habits of participating and volunteering are key activities.  We are refreshing our four-year strategy and see areas of focus as: Changing Lives, Developing Active Coaches, Membership Engagement and Commercial Success.

The successful individuals will bring their skills and knowledge to the Board and develop an area of expertise and interest as part of an integrated team with the elected Board members.  Each Board Member holds a portfolio which we adapt according to the skills and interest of Board members, aligned to the organisational strategy.  Directors take decisions within their portfolios on behalf of the Board.

These two appointments are great opportunities for people with a passion for sport. They present opportunities for the development of new and existing skills, meeting new people and new networks, and making a genuine difference to sport in Scotland. 

Time Commitment:

We hold ten Board Meetings per year, usually lasting approximately two hours.  During 2020/2021 meetings have been by MS Teams.  Our intention is to continue with MS Teams as the main meeting method.  We will wish to meet face to face during the year, for strategy events or occasional discussions at sportScotland’s premises in Edinburgh.  You will also get involved in meetings,  events, and knowledge gathering around your portfolio.


The post is non-remunerated although travel and meeting expenses will be reimbursed according to Scottish Fencing’s Expenses policy.

 Independent Director and Additional Director

Our Articles of Association include provision for two Independent Directors.  One is the Finance Director, who has been in post since 2014.  We are now looking to fill the second Independent Director post.

We are committed to being an inclusive organisation and the Board has decided to exercise the power in the Articles of Association to recruit an Additional Director to ensure the Board has at least three female members in line with good governance principles.  The eight current Directors are two women and six men.

Our elected Directors serve for four years.  These two appointments will be between two and four years by agreement.  All Directors have equal status and core responsibilities.

Terms and Conditions:

Directors are jointly accountable for the performance of the organisation; they elect one of their members to Chair the Board. 

Further information

Further information about Scottish Fencing and the Board can be found here The current strategy ‘2019-2025 Forging the Future’ and ‘Welcome letter to new Directors’ might be particularly useful.

Recruitment Process:

Please complete the Online Application form here before Monday 2 August, providing us with some information about your strengths, areas of interest and what attracts you to joining the Board of a Sports Governing Body.  Following the closing date, you will be invited to a Teams discussion with a couple of members of the Board. 

 Should you wish to talk to a member of the employee team, or Board, email our CEO Vinny Bryson to arrange a time, or Sheila Anderson, HR Director

Please note:

This vacancy is not open to anyone who has been or becomes:

  •  Disqualified from holding a Directorship in a Limited Company

  • Disqualified from being a Charity Trustee pursuant to section 69 of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005

  • Suspended or removed as a Charity Trustee pursuant to section 34 of the same Act.

And you will need to complete the on-line application in one attempt as you cannot save progress and return to the form at a later time. To help prepare your responses before submitting your application you can find the full list of questions here.

#ForgingTheFuture Programme - Session 2 - Start With Why

Scottish Fencing’s #ForgingTheFuture Programme, which supports clubs to develop their Changing Lives approach, will run it’s second session this month. The theme of this session is “Start With Why”.

Tuesday 29th June

7.00 - 8.30pm

What is Changing Lives?

A Changing Lives approach to sport is all about intention.

We know that the benefits for participating in fencing (and all sports and physical activity) are huge - improved physical health, mental health and social connections, to name a few. For some people, these benefits are the reason they participate. For others, they are just an additional bonus for doing a sport that they love.

Changing Lives moves the focus away from the sport and onto the participant. With this mindset, clubs and coaches will intentionally use fencing to improve the lives of people and / or their community.


Why is Changing Lives important?

As we move out of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will all be getting use to engaging with our sports in a different way. We also recognise that there will be large groups of people that we previous did not engage with that could really benefit from participating in our sport.

 In 2019, sportscotland launched their new corporate strategy "Sport For Life". For the first time in Scotland, sport is no longer in a silo on it's own, doing sport for sports sake. There is now a greater focus on how sport can affect the national health agenda, education agenda, transport agenda and environmental agenda. Changing Lives recognises the Power of Sport to affect change in people's lives and in our communities.

 By adopting a Changing Lives approach, we will be in a better position to make a greater impact on more people in our communities. This will make our clubs more sustainable.


What is the #ForgingTheFuture Programme?

 9 clubs have signed up for our #ForgingTheFuture programme, and we are delighted that almost a quarter of all fencing clubs in Scotland are dedicated to developing the Changing Lives mindset. We believe doing so will make clubs stronger, more sustainable and make a greater social impact within their local community.

The programme includes:

 ·       Regular #ForgingTheFuture meetings with other clubs to discuss Changing Lives tools, techniques and activities that can be applied to develop their Changing Lives approach.

 ·       Direct support from Scottish Fencing' Pathways Manager to develop a Changing Lives approach.

 ·       Invitations to meet and listen to clubs and community organisations who demonstrate the Changing Lives mindset.

 Sign Up:

If you are still interested in signing up for the programme, please click here - Sign Up for #ForgingTheFuture Programme.

If you would like more information, please contact Blair Cremin (Pathways Manager) at or on 07912 267 585.

Update from Performance Director & Pathways Manager

Good evening fencers

In April we held a series of online presentations related to Commonwealth Championship preparation and one of the main questions posed was “how will a team be selected?”.  At the time, we had very little information to go on as regards calendar and the type of competitions which may be permitted given the likely restrictions in Scotland and the wider UK around group sizes for over and under 18s and of course the likely changes to travel restrictions in Scotland and elsewhere.

Whilst there have recently been some ranking events for Under 18 age groups publicised, there is no requirement from Scottish Fencing for any athlete or their family to travel anywhere for competition at the moment. 

At the briefing sessions we held regarding the Commonwealth Championships, the issue of selection came up and some ideas were received from those who attended those sessions.  

Since those information sessions, a project group has been planning and exploring options for the Commonwealths and an update was provided to the Board on planning including the timeline for the consultation on the selection process.  This was further discussed last night at the June SF Board meeting and agreement made on options to be presented to the members for consultation over July.  I'm working with the SF staff team to get the document finalised and issued early in July.  

I recognise that since those information sessions BF announced that BRCs were starting up and that more events have been advertised and that BF have also been consulting on changes to the Ranking Scheme and all of these will have raised questions as to the commonwealth selection.  We'll address these in the options to be consulted on.

We realise there may be enthusiasm to collect ranking points but we absolutely do not require any Scottish athlete to begin travelling around the country just now, particularly if any family member or member of the same household is at higher risk of COVID infection.

Paul Vaughan - SF Performance Director

Blair Cremin - SF Pathways Manager


Dear Coach... Thank You!

7th - 13th June is UK Coaching Week, and to celebrate, we would like to say THANK YOU to all of our amazing coaches across the country.

THANK YOU for helping us learn how to fence.

THANK YOU for giving us places to come together with friends.

THANK YOU for giving up your time for others.

THANK YOU for the work you do that will never be seen.

THANK YOU for encouraging us to stay healthy and active.

THANK YOU for the hours spent planning for and reflecting upon coaching sessions.

THANK YOU for taking us to competitions and events.

THANK YOU for continually adapting your sessions so they are COVID compliant.

THANK YOU for helping us to realise our potential in our wonderful sport.


Do you have anything you would add to this list? If so, email us at

Scottish Fencing Updated Guidance 17 May 2021

Please find Scottish Fencing’s updated guidance here

If you have any questions please email us at

As the country has different levels of restrictions please pay close attention to what is applicable to the region your club is located in. Also note that if a club member has travelled to your session from a region with a higher level of restriction then the session can only run with the group numbers and activities that are permitted in their region.

These levels may change - announcements can be made at short notice so if you are unsure which level of restrictions apply you can use the Scottish Governments post code checker which is here