Scottish Fencing updated guidance 1 July 2021

Following the First Minister’s statement on 22 June you can find Scottish Fencing’s Return to Sport and Physical Activity guidance document here, amendments are highlighted.

Key changes for fencing clubs to note are:

  • para 8 Car Sharing guidance wording updated. Note this relates to the current Scottish Government guidance and may be reviewed after 19 July.

  •  Para 11.1 Updated wording to provide further clarity on travelling to a lower level area for activity.

  •  Para 13 Updated to include reference to changes from 19 July.

  •  Para 52 Updated wording and added paragraph on those returning to activity after recovering from Covid-19.

  •  Para 81 FACTS is the current Scottish Government guidance. We are awaiting to an update as to face covering guidance and also note that physical distancing requirements are changing from 19 July.

We have been working with sportscotland to clarify specific details in relation to all remaining local authorities moving to Level 0  on 19 July which hopefully the Scottish Government will confirm on or around 13 July.

From 19 July the key changes relevant to sport and physical activity are:

  • Indoor contact sport and physical activity is permitted.

  • Indoor physical distancing in other settings will be reduced from 2m to 1m.

  • Outdoor physical distancing requirement will be removed.

  •  Informal social gatherings of any number will be allowed outdoor.

  • Organised outdoor events will continue to need to comply with the size limits and processes already set out for level 0.

The First Minister gave an indicative date of 9 August to move beyond Level 0. This is linked to Gateway Conditions being met and suggested baseline measures that will be in place. Once these are finalised we will provide guidance on what this means for fencing activity.

If you have any questions please ask, email us at