Scottish Fencing Updated Guidance 19 July 2021 - Note from the Board

On Wednesday, the Board discussed the evolving relationship between changes in COVID-19 Protection Level, related guidance from the Scottish Government and the ability to organise, or participate in, fencing activities.  Working with sportscotland, the staff team has produced detailed guidance; however, I ask that you bear in mind the following points: 

Level 0 

Level 0 is not “normal”.  This is still a protection level and everyone – whether organisers, participants or facility providers – must adhere to the guidelines.  Please ensure that your COVID Officer is trained and present at each session, that records are maintained and that everyone follows the guidance to support a safe, enjoyable and responsible return to sport. 

Sports Facilities 

The majority of fencing clubs in Scotland rely on access to facilities, often in public buildings.  Whilst guidance is available for operators of facilities, access to club venues may not be available immediately, either due to alternative use (for example as additional teaching space or vaccination centre) or because the operator has not yet prepared facilities for use by clubs.  Local Authorities will be managing change across several locations: please remain patient and maintain a dialogue with your facility provider to enable as smooth a transition as possible. 


Perhaps the most frequent questions that we receive relate to events. As the situation improves, holding competitions or pathway training events will become feasible. However, in relation to selection we remain focussed on ensuring that fencers should not be disadvantaged by virtue of their location (for exmaple if some were unable to travel, when others were), and this will inform when the Board feels it appropriate to hold events. 

Hopefully, we are on the way back to being able to enjoy our sport in a safe environment. Please remember, just because things can happen, that doesn’t mean that they will!

Updated Guidance

As detailed in the guidance on the 1 July 2021 the Scottish Government have updated FACTs and this is the only change to our guidance which you can find here.

Section 81 now reads:

Protecting all of us, takes all of us.  As restrictions are eased, it is vital that we don’t give in. We should continue to:

  • maintain and promote good ventilation

  • wear face coverings in certain settings

  • physically distance in certain settings

  • use good hand and respiratory hygiene and surface cleaning

  • stay at home and book a test if you develop coronavirus symptoms

  • work from home where possible and appropriate

British Fencing have also updated their equipment cleaning protocols which you can find here

Scottish Fencing’s Adaptive Fencing Guidance is here

And if you have any questions please get in touch email us at