Commonwealth Junior Championships POSTPONED

Hello everyone

We've received confirmation this morning (January 21st) of the postponement of the Commonwealth Junior & Cadet Championships.

Originally scheduled for Raipur, India in September 2021, the event will now take place from 24-30 August 2022 in New Delhi.

I realise this is disappointing for some but actually gives much needed clarity although August 2022 will be a busy month with the Senior & Veteran Commonwealth Championships scheduled for August 11th - 20th in London.

We will have more updates on selection, teams and staffing later in 2021.

Vincent Bryson - Paul Vaughn

CEO - Performance Director

Scottish Fencing

Election of Directors and President


Scottish Fencing is seeking nominations for four Elected Director posts, to serve on the Board for four-year terms from March 2021, and for the post of President.

 The terms of office of Martyn Foley, Hugh Kernohan, George Liston and Ross Morrison come to an end on 18 March 2021. All are eligible to stand for a second term but one director has already indicated that they do not wish to. This means there is one vacancy and three directors who are seeking re-election.

 If you want to help lead Scottish Fencing and you have the time to commit please return a completed Proposal Form by 1800 Monday 15 February 2021. You will find Proposal Forms below:



 Submitted Proposal Forms will be published on the Scottish Fencing website as soon as they are validated. And an election will be held in March if more than four valid nominations are received by the deadline of 1800 Monday 15 February 2021.

 As part of our commitment to being an equality driven organisation, we are committed to providing equality of opportunity for members, volunteers and staff and we will promote a work culture that values diversity.

 If you have a disability or have any difficulty in completing the application process please reach out via email to or telephone on 07803207349.

 The Board’s role is to provide strategic leadership for fencing in Scotland, to oversee the activities of Scottish Fencing's staff and volunteers, to maintain its ethical standards and legal obligations, and to safeguard the mental and physical well-being of everyone fencing here.

 The President is an Elected Director who is further elected to represent Scottish Fencing as its nominal and functional head in all public affairs.

 And if you would like to find out more you can speak to Scottish Fencing’s CEO, Vincent Bryson – email to arrange a call back. And you can read a role descriptor here

 You can find Scottish Fencing’s Articles of Association, Bye-Laws and other key documents about the Board's work here

The validated proposal forms are below:

Hugh Kernohan

Mhairi McLaughlin

Ross Morrison

Alex Pearson

Matt Pocock

President proposal forms:

George David Liston

Stan Stoodley


Scottish Fencing - Extended Level 4 Guidance

Hello everyone

Today we have published our guidance for Fencing in the “extended level 4” situation we are in on Mainland Scotland. With the Islands currently at Level 3 they should follow our guidance for those Levels as previously issued.

The new guidance is available here

For the Mainland, the new restrictions are of course tough and they make Fencing more regulated than at any time since the Lockdown of March 2020. With the restrictions currently in place until the end of January we know this will be a difficult time and the likelihood of outdoor fencing in the winter we know is highly unlikely.

However, the guidance is approved by government and sportscotland and is available on the SF website and is attached to this email.

In line with the government position, we ask anyone who is considering fencing during the extended Level 4 restrictions to risk assess their environment and entrey/exit to wherever the activity is happening. Group sizes are restricted even further now and the necessity to prevent unnecessary congregation indoor and outdoor is something we must all pay attention to until the case numbers have dropped.

While this is perhaps the toughest time since the pandemic began both for our members and our sport, we can get through this. When the landscape “rights” itself over the next months we will have a number of great events to look forward to, but most of all we will have our clubs back and the amazing experiences they deliver for our members.

Lets keep that thought steady on the horizon.


Scottish Fencing Christmas closure

Hello everyone,

Whilst our physical office has been closed since March, we have been operating digitally since then. However, this week our staff are taking their well earned Christmas leave so the normal club and member queries will not be answered from 4pm today (December 21st) and we will reopen on Tuesday January 5th 2021.

However we understand the nature of the recent announcements from the First Minister may mean retrospective or updated guidance will need to be issued. If this is the case, we will make sure that happens.

For the moment, our guidance for Level 4 remains the same as when we published it last month. The whole of mainland Scotland goes into Level 4 from 1201AM on December 26th and is likely to remain so for 3 weeks.

Whilst this is the most trying of times, we are optimistic for the future and are looking forward to seeing you all in 2021 - hopefully at a club session or an event.

With thanks to you all for your support and counsel this year


Vincent Bryson - CEO- Scottish Fencing

SGB CEO Forum statement on outgoing Minister for Sport & Communities

The Scottish Sports Governing Body Forum wishes to thank outgoing Minister for Public Health, Sport & Wellbeing, Joe FitzPatrick MSP, for his commitment and dedication to protecting the sporting landscape in Scotland throughout the COVID crisis. Under the outgoing Minister's guidance Sports Governing Bodies received support from sportscotland to combat the crippling effect COVID has had on sports clubs, communities and events across the country.

The Forum are keen to meet and work with the new Minister responsible for the Sport portfolio in Scotland appointed by @ScotGovFM as it is vital that sport retains a strong presence at Cabinet level as we leverage the #PowerOfSport to actively contribute to the nation’s recovery from the effects of COVID.

In the new year the 35 SGBs of the Forum will collectively launch a new national #PowerOfSport campaign to encourage everyone in Scotland to embrace #SportForLife as we work to improve the health and wellbeing of the nation.

2020 Scottish Fencing AGM

Notice of Annual General Meeting of Scottish Fencing Ltd  

To be held via Microsoft Teams  

18.00 on 10 December 2020  


  1. Minute of Scottish Fencing AGM, 30 November 2019  

  2. Welcome  

  3. Presentation of Accounts for period 01/04/2019 – 31/03/2020 followed by general questions on accounts  

  4. President’s Report on Scottish Fencing activity 2019, followed by pre-submitted questions.  

  5. Awards  


As the 2020 Scottish Fencing Ltd AGM is an on-line meeting please register using this form by noon on the 7 December 2020.  Please can you also use this form to submit any questions in advance of the meeting.  

The accounts are in the final stages of preparation and we will add these as soon as they are available. 

2021 Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad - Update (November 2020)

Hi everyone,

please see below for some updates regarding the 2021 Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad.

  1. Unfortunately, due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, we have decided to postpone the 2021 Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad until February 2021. The Squad will come together monthly from February 2021 - June 2021 to build on the work being done in clubs, and to give under-15 additional opportunities to participate in fencing activities.

    More information can be found here - 2021 Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad

  2. We are offering 3 x FREE ONLINE SESSIONS for all under-15 athletes and their parents who may be interested in joining our 2021 Scottish Fencing Pathways Squad. All under-15 (and below) athletes are invited and there is no obligation to sign up to the squad in February.

    These sessions will give Scottish Fencing the opportunity to share information about our Pathways programme, and for athletes and parents to meet the staff and enjoy some fun activities.

    More information, and sign up instructions, can be found here - FREE ONLINE SESSIONS

  3. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the Pathways programme, please contact

Take care and stay safe!

SF Guidance - Levels 0-4 Update 27 November

Following the legislation of travel restrictions we have received further clarification on specific points in relation to travel connected to sport and physical activity in Level 3 and 4 areas.

 Specific changes have been made the to travel sections (9 to 11) and Appendix 1 to reflect the legal text, in summary these are:

 1.       If you live in a Level 3 or Level 4 local government area you can take part in organised sport, activity or exercise in that area as detailed in the Levels Table in our guidance.

2.       You should however, not travel out of your local government area, if it is at Level 3 or 4, to undertake organised sport, activity or exercise (exception:  u18s in a level 3 area can travel into other areas for allowable organised sport, activity and exercise).

3.       At Level 3 and 4 you can travel to a place up to 5 miles outside your local government area to take part in informal exercise (household rules apply) as long as you start and finish at the same place. 

 This table below is a helpful guide and you can read the full guidance here.

2020 Travel table.png


We have now received further clarification from Scottish Government in a couple of areas and have updated the Guidance (16 November) as follows:

 1. Section 9: Travel

 Includes further clarity on travel for Level 4 (5 mile guidance) and there is an update to travel for Level 3 (5 mile guidance).

Under 18s can travel to and from Level 0, 1, 2 & 3 areas to take part in organised sport. However it is still strongly recommended they train locally where possible.

2. Section 40. 

Includes further clarity on allowable travel for coaches and officials. Note clubs need to mitigate and update risk assessments if this guidance is relevant to them.

 3. Section 46. 

 Wording updated to include those supporting disabled participants in their sporting activity.

 Full guidance is available here

Good evening everyone.

There has been a flurry of activity but the new guidance incorporating government levels 0-4 for local authorities is available here - whilst a lengthy document, the key table for your consideration is Table B which is the SF and sportscotland interpretation of the government guidance.

I understand there are frustrations regarding the length of time it has taken to produce the document but we are still in dialogue with government and sportscotland around some future changes particularly regarding adult fencing above Level 0 and I hope we can address this in the near future.

There are a number of key items to consider with this new guidance but it does of course depend on what local authority you live in. If you need to check the status of your local authority enter your postcode here

Key points are -

  • All fencing (outdoor) for U18 (those aged 17 and under) including lessons and sparring can happen up to and including local authorities in Level 3

  • All fencing (outdoor) for adults (those aged 18 and over) including lessons and sparring can happen up to and including local authorities in Level 2

  • Fencing (indoor) for U18 can happen up to and including Level 3. This includes sparring and other forms of training done within the age groups although all adults are required to distance therefore no traditional lessons can happen but coaching from a distance is fine.

  • Fencing (indoor) for adults is only permitted at Level 0. From Level 1 upwards all adults not in the same household must distance as per the usual requirements (2 metres)

The staff team are still around and we are happy to answer queries, please do reach out to the team using or check the contacts page for specific email addresses and phone number of the team.

There are still more questions than answers, I understand that and of course I understand frustration and disappointment related to restricted opportunities for fencing. There is more to come of course and thanks to everyone for their patience so far.

Vincent Bryson

CEO - Scottish Fencing

Scottish Fencing 2020 AGM - Awards

In what Scottish Fencing hopes to becomes a new annual tradition we are inviting you to make a nomination for each of the awards presented at the Scottish Fencing AGM. We would like you to make a nomination for each of the following:
Crosnier Quaich
Performance in competition. Harder this year due to the lack of competition however a good starting point for consideration could be the British rankings which you can find here.

You may also wish to consider our veteran fencers and you can find veteran rankings here
On the international front the Scottish Men’s Epee team won at the Senior Five Nations in Dublin for the first time in 20 years.

Crosnier Coaching Award
Services to coaching. This year you may also wish to consider how coaches have kept fencers engaged over lockdown.

Sword of merit
To recognise any individual, club or organisation who has made an outstanding and inspirational contribution to the sport of fencing in Scotland.
You may nominate an individual, a team, a club or an organisation.
Please send your nominations explaining the reasons for each (100 max each) to Ross Morrison
Director of Safeguarding and Welfare.

Nominations close on midnight the 31st October 2020. After which the three nominees with the most nominations in each of the categories will be made public.
A public vote will then take place to determine the recipients of the Crosnier Quaich and Crosnier Coaching Award while the 10 person board of Scottish Fencing will vote to determine the recipient of the Sword of Merit.  
We will announce the recipients at the forth coming Scottish Fencing AGM which will take place virtually.
I look forward to receiving your nominations.
Your sincerely
Ross Morrison
Director of Safeguarding and Welfare
On behalf of the board of Scottish Fencing.

Performance Coaching Series w/ Allistair McCaw

Scottish Fencing and Scottish Archery and delighted to announce the 2020 Performance Coaching Series with Allistair McCaw!

Like an athlete trying to realise their potential, Performance Coaching requires a career-long dedication to self-improvement. For coaches who want to be the best they can be, Scottish Fencing and Scottish Archery are proud to present a 2-part Coach Development series with Allistair McCaw.

Allistair McCaw is world-renowned expert in mindset, human performance, team culture and leadership. Since the late 1990's, he has worked with Olympians, Grand Slam Champions, NCAA Colleges, professional sports teams and Fortune 500 companies from across the World. He simply believes that "Excellence is an Attitude" and that by being intentional about our own growth we can all reach our potential and #BeChampionMinded.

An author of four best-selling books and a much sought-after keynote speaker, Allistair consults and partners with sports teams, organizations and corporations around the globe to optimise individual and group potential. His podcast, "Champion Minded" is available on iTunes and YouTube.

A former five-time world championship competitor in the sport of Duathlon, a 2x National 'fittest man' winner and a veteran of no less than 29 Marathons, Allistair currently resides in Delray Beach, Florida.


Session 1 - Monday 9th November, 7.30 - 8.45pm

Allistair will deliver a presentation and host a Q & A using his "7 Keys To Being a Great Coach" methodology, where coaches will gain insight into the world of High Performance sport.

Session 2: Monday 23rd November, 7.30 - 8.45pm

Having had the chance to reflect and put into practice some of the theory from Session 1, coaches will reconvene with Allistair to discuss some of the lessons and recognise future areas of development.

Both sessions will be online using Microsoft Teams. Participants will be sent joining instructions after sign up.


A "Pay What You Can" model will be adopted for this 2-part series.

We suggest £20+.


To sign up, please follow the link to JotForm – click here.



Follow Allistair on social media:


Twitter: @allistairmccaw

Facebook: Allistair McCaw Page

Instagram: @BeChampionMinded