In what Scottish Fencing hopes to becomes a new annual tradition we are inviting you to make a nomination for each of the awards presented at the Scottish Fencing AGM. We would like you to make a nomination for each of the following:
Crosnier Quaich
Performance in competition. Harder this year due to the lack of competition however a good starting point for consideration could be the British rankings which you can find here.
You may also wish to consider our veteran fencers and you can find veteran rankings here
On the international front the Scottish Men’s Epee team won at the Senior Five Nations in Dublin for the first time in 20 years.
Crosnier Coaching Award
Services to coaching. This year you may also wish to consider how coaches have kept fencers engaged over lockdown.
Sword of merit
To recognise any individual, club or organisation who has made an outstanding and inspirational contribution to the sport of fencing in Scotland.
You may nominate an individual, a team, a club or an organisation.
Please send your nominations explaining the reasons for each (100 max each) to Ross Morrison
Director of Safeguarding and Welfare.
Nominations close on midnight the 31st October 2020. After which the three nominees with the most nominations in each of the categories will be made public.
A public vote will then take place to determine the recipients of the Crosnier Quaich and Crosnier Coaching Award while the 10 person board of Scottish Fencing will vote to determine the recipient of the Sword of Merit.
We will announce the recipients at the forth coming Scottish Fencing AGM which will take place virtually.
I look forward to receiving your nominations.
Your sincerely
Ross Morrison
Director of Safeguarding and Welfare
On behalf of the board of Scottish Fencing.