2020 Scottish Fencing AGM

Notice of Annual General Meeting of Scottish Fencing Ltd  

To be held via Microsoft Teams  

18.00 on 10 December 2020  


  1. Minute of Scottish Fencing AGM, 30 November 2019  

  2. Welcome  

  3. Presentation of Accounts for period 01/04/2019 – 31/03/2020 followed by general questions on accounts  

  4. President’s Report on Scottish Fencing activity 2019, followed by pre-submitted questions.  

  5. Awards  


As the 2020 Scottish Fencing Ltd AGM is an on-line meeting please register using this form by noon on the 7 December 2020.  Please can you also use this form to submit any questions in advance of the meeting.  

The accounts are in the final stages of preparation and we will add these as soon as they are available. 
