The final ranking lists which will inform selection for the Commonwealth Championships which will be held in London in August are available now.


If you are not on a list and think you should be, or if you think there are any errors please notify Paul Vaughan,, and Hugh Kernohan,, immediately.

The points totals are the best three results achieved since 1September, taken from the BF Ranking lists published at the end of March. The Results columns give the total number of scoring results recorded on the BF tables.

Fencers are reminded that in line with the published selection criteria it is the responsibility of any athlete whose selection journey has been adversely affected by an inability to compete (due to injury, illness, covid restrictions or any other reason) to inform of the circumstances in detail. The deadline for fencers to submit such information is midday on Sunday 10 April. The intention is for the selection panel to confirm the final teams by Tuesday 19 April.

The lists only include current members of Scottish Fencing (ie those with valid memberships who have identified their nation as Scotland in their BF record). They may include fencers who are not eligible to be selected for Scotland because they do not hold a UK passport: it is a requirement of the Commonwealth Fencing Federation rules that Home Nations competitors hold a UK passport.
