Successful SportsAid grant applicants

Scottish Fencing are delighted to confirm 6 young athletes have been successful in attaining over £3000 of grants from SportsAid Scotland.

SF Performance Director Paul Vaughan said “It’s of course fantastic for our young athletes to receive these grants. With the COVID landscape meaning opportunities to fence or train have been limited to say the least, its wonderful to see SportsAid Scotland acknowledging some of our talented athletes and help them on their journey as we hopefully see Fencing on the horizon in the next few months.”

The successful recipients are

Jaimie Cook

Rachael Lever

Elsie Llewelyn

Mhairi McLaughlin

Rory McLellan

Dylan Morrison

OBITUARY - Lewis Smith

We are sorry to inform you of the recent death of Lewis Smith.  Lewis fenced at Boroughmuir School and I remember watching with awe and inspiration as he took flawless lessons from Bert. 

He achieved great sporting success. He was a member of the Scottish team at the Commonwealth Games, Edinburgh 1970, Scottish Foil Champion in 1972 and won a Bronze Team medal at the 1978 Commonwealth Championships in Glasgow. 

1978 was a good year as he was also part of the Scottish Team who won the Quad, a historic achievement.  At that point it was only Scotland’s 4th win since 1950.

His contribution to the success of Scottish Fencing continued for many years after he stopped competing through George Watson’s College Fencing Club in Edinburgh where he was the teacher in charge of fencing. He helped to develop many of today’s stalwarts of Scottish Fencing.  The school club was hugely successful, dominating the Scottish Schools scene throughout the 80s and producing numerous Scottish and British champions. The combination of Lewis’s kindness, support and encouragement with Bert Bracewell’s boundless enthusiasm was ideal for the generations of young fencers that grew their love of the sport at the school.

When you talk to anyone in Scottish Fencing about Lewis Smith, their first reaction is always what a nice man and a great friend he was.

Words by Sheila Anderson and Sean Walton, Photos Julia Bracewell, and Modern British Fencing – Edmund Gray

George Watsons College Fencing Team

George Watsons College Fencing Team

Updated return to sport and physical activity guidance 12 March 2021

Following the First Minister’s announcement you can read the updated guidance here

Changes are highlighted in yellow and as a quick summary the key points are:

  • Children under 12 years of age can take part in outdoor contact and non-contact organised sport including training, group exercise and competition within their usual club or facility environment. (note this is not intended to support inter club training, competition or events).

  • An outdoor sporting ‘field of play bubble’ for under 12s consists of up to 30 people including children and coaches at any one time (over 12s ‘field of play bubble’ is up to 15 people).

And with regard to sections 34 - 36 please note:

  • Children aged under 12 should not travel to other clubs or venues for sessions or activities they do not usually take part in. Over 18s must also remain within their local authority area.

Scottish Governing Bodies continue dialogue with Minister for Sport


Leading figures from across Scottish sport have met to discuss the continued impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the role the sport sector will play in the nation’s long-term recovery from the pandemic. 

Members of the Scottish Governing Bodies Chief Executive Officers Forum were joined by Minister for Public Health and Sport, Mairi Gougeon, and Chief Executive of sportscotland, Stewart Harris, at the virtual meeting. 

The SGB CEO Forum represents 35 sports including athletics, badminton, cycling, fencing, golf, gymnastics, netball, swimming, triathlon and volleyball. It was established to develop a greater collective approach across sports and to help shape a collaborative response to the pandemic.

Some of the challenges faced by Scottish sport, such as financial viability, access to facilities and SGB membership levels, were discussed at the meeting. The Forum expressed a firm commitment to using the power of sport and physical activity to assist in the recovery from COVID-19 and to help support the economy, health and wellbeing, education and social fabric of the nation. 

Public Health and Sport Minister Mairi Gougeon said: “We know that being active is one of the best ways to improve or maintain our physical and mental wellbeing, and this has been particularly so during the pandemic. As we start to carefully ease lockdown restrictions while continuing to supress the virus, there is no doubt that sport will play a central role in Scotland’s recovery. 

“Recognising the significant effect that the pandemic has had on the sport sector, the Scottish Government has provided a £55 million emergency funding package, allowing clubs to bridge the gap in revenue until spectators are able to return safely to sports events in larger numbers. 

“Our continuing collaboration with the sector is vital as we work to tackle the issues facing sports clubs as a result of COVID-19. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our Sports Governing Bodies, who have worked tirelessly to ensure sport can continue to operate safely within the restrictions.”     

Chair of the SGB CEO Forum, Vinny Bryson, said: “It was important to have the opportunity to speak with the Minister for Sport about the challenges facing the sector but also to outline how SGBs can be a part of the solution. For the Minister to listen to 35 Scottish Sports Governing Body CEOs and hear one collective voice is powerful and demonstrates our shared commitment to using the #PowerOfSport as part of the national recovery efforts of our nation. 

“We are all keen to play our part in restarting and shaping the future of sport as we emerge from the COVID-19 restrictions over the next few months and today’s discussions will support this approach. All our Governing Bodies are keen to have the clubs and members they represent at the heart of the nation’s mental and physical recovery from this pandemic. For the nation to rebuild and thrive again, it must be an active one.”

Chief Executive of sportscotland, Stewart Harris, said: “It has been a year like no other for Scottish sport but the sector has shown remarkable resilience in how it has responded. This is the most difficult situation we have experienced but the sporting system, particularly SGBS, has done an exceptional job.     

“We need to recover, rebuild and restart with confidence. I fully believe that we will do that, when the time is right, because we have a system that is committed to working together to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. There is a lot of hard work still to be done but we will get through this together.” 

Today’s meeting comes just three months after the Scottish Government announced a £55million emergency funding package for spectator sports, to help them deal with the financial burden of lost ticket income. 

Across the financial year, a total of £32.4million has been accelerated to local and national partners by sportscotland, helping protect up to 1,600 jobs across the sector, while delivery targets were also relaxed. The national agency has also created a £1.5million Scottish Governing Body (SGB) COVID-19 Recovery Support Fund, which is being delivered with National Lottery funding.  


Coronavirus strategic framework update

Following the Scottish Government announcement regarding the latest restrictions you can find full details here: (with a summary of the key points on Page 14).

 The key points, relevant to sport are: 

  • 15 March

    • Education: Return of P4-7 pupils to schools full-time. More but not all secondary pupils returning to school at least part-time. (Full details to be confirmed next week)

    • Sport: Non-contact outdoor group sport permitted for 12 to 17 year olds (this is already permitted for under 12s).

    • Gatherings: Outdoor meetings of 4 people from 2 households permitted.


  • 5 April

    • Stay at home: Stay at home requirement removed.

    • Education: Return to full-time in person education for all remaining school pupils.

    • Gatherings: Outdoor meetings of 6 people from 2 households permitted.

    • Economy: More retail businesses being classified as essential. Click-and-collect permitted for non-essential retail.


  • 26 April

    • Strategic (Levels) Framework: Return to a levels system, which includes regional variation based on data. Further detail will be published in mid-March.

    • Level 3: Initially the intention is that mainland Scotland will move to level 3. The islands currently at level 3 may drop to level 2, based on data.

    • Sport: The levels system will support the phased re-opening of sport. The detail of what activity will be permitted in each level will be confirmed in mid-March.

It is important to note that the timings are indicative and any changes will be driven by the data.

It should also be noted that the dates set-out by UK Government on 22 February do not apply to Scotland.

The First Minister also provided an update on support for businesses. The key details are:

  •  Scottish Government will support the strategic framework business fund until at least the end of June. When local authority areas move out of level 4, businesses that are allowed to reopen will continue to receive payments from the fund for at least the subsequent four weeks.

  •  Scottish Government is considering tapered support for businesses that may still face trading restrictions and reduced demand, as they re-open.

Statement from George Liston - Scottish Fencing Chair

Good evening everyone.

It appears that today’s announcement of the really good news of a partnership between SF and BF has been taken out of context.

This agreement, which has developed over at least eleven months, does not refer to the sport-specific elements of the SF Pathways Squad work, which has been developed working closely with a range of individuals, including those who have contributed to developing elements of SF’s programme.

The agreement with BF does not represent the use in any way of work conducted by fencing coaches in support of SF’s Pathways Programme.

No material developed by fencing coaches – or by fencers, as part of the SF Pathways Programme – is involved in this Agreement, which is why it is so valuable. Our sport needs to grow, by opening itself to ideas from a much wider environment and working in partnership; that is what this agreement seeks to do.

Thank you to everyone for their comments so far and I look forward to seeing you all on piste or at an event sometime soon.

Stay safe and look after yourselves and your loved ones.


George Liston

Chair - Scottish Fencing

SF & BF announce new strategic partnership

Scottish Fencing (SF) President George Liston (above, centre) and British Fencing (BF) are delighted to announce a new strategic partnership for performance and pathway development in Scotland and the UK.

Effective from April 1st, the performance pathway model in Scotland will align with the recently published British Fencing performance pathway FTEM model, offering a clear and unambiguous path to the top level for athletes and coaches. 

Scottish Fencing Pathways Manager Blair Cremin will work directly with BF Head of Pathways Steve Kemp and the soon-to-be-appointed BF Head of People and Culture to identify, educate and align athletes and coaches meeting and aspiring to meet the high performance criteria and supporting them as they progress through the Pathways system.

Scottish Fencing CEO Vincent Bryson said “This is a fantastic progression for the sport and of course for the two organisations. The quality of partnership and interaction we have enjoyed with Georgina & Steve at British level has been phenomenal as they showed quite clearly over the years a real keenness to connect the system and offer those who can meet the criteria the chance to progress. It’s been a great project to work with our British Fencing colleagues on and I am so grateful to our own SF board for the strategic foresight they have shown as the discussions continued over the last year or so. It’s been great to have their backing and support, particularly in the COVID world. To have got this partnership ‘over the line” is a real collective effort from everyone involved.”

Georgina Usher, CEO of British Fencing said ”I am delighted that we are in a position to formalise this important strategic partnership between SF and BF as we move into the next funding cycle. Working together to connect the fencing system and pathways will benefit athletes and coaches in Scotland and across the UK and provide a solid platform for future success. Founded in shared values and a shared belief that ‘Better people make better athletes’ I am convinced that this partnership will be a real force for good and will have a significant positive impact on our wider shared ambitions for our sport. It has been a real pleasure to work with Vinny and his team, and we are extremely excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. I would like to express my gratitude to the Board of SF and the Board of BF who have provided the support, strategic guidance and vision under which this partnership has developed.”            

George Liston, Chair and President of Scottish Fencing was also pleased to see SF integrate more with British Fencing on a programme where values are clearly the driving force. 

“I am delighted to see the further evidence of the significant progress that Scottish Fencing are making to ensure that we continue to be a reputable and investable organisation. Making sure we demonstrate we have credibility and capability to manage strong partnerships like this is key to meeting our own objectives. Aligning with British Fencing to support the pathway progression of athletes and coaches is something I have been passionate about for so long – it is great to see it come to life. It has been a pleasure for myself and the Board to be able to support both organisations as they align their pathway objectives ever further to offer a more integrated experience for members and I am certain this is just the beginning of more great things to come.”

Steve Kemp, BF Head of Pathways, said “Following on from our successful UK Sport funding bid, one of our primary focus areas is to create a structure and system that ensures world class progressive support is provided to athletes who have the potential to achieve medal success. Working together to hyper connect both SF & BF pathway systems by facilitating the sharing of knowledge and expertise, engaging external stimulus, and encouraging the alignment between NGB partners, will be key to sustainable success, and be vital as we work together to support the return of fencing. This new way of working in turn will deliver better value and increased opportunity to all our members whilst also strengthening the sport of fencing for future generations.”

Blair Cremin, Pathways Manager for Scottish Fencing said “At Scottish Fencing, we work closely with sportscotland and other governing bodies in trying to create a World class sporting system. This strategic partnership with British Fencing will allow us to continue this work, while creating more and better opportunities for our people to progress and develop. 

We embrace a "Sport for Life" approach which means putting our people at the centre of everything we do. With young people, we take a holistic approach to their development. We believe this will give them the best experience of fencing and build a foundation for life-long participation in our wonderful sport.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to work closely with British Fencing, and ensure a more joined-up approach for the development of fencers and coaches across the United Kingdom.




SF President George Liston (centre) is delighted to launch the new Strategic Partnership with British Fencing

SF President George Liston (centre) is delighted to launch the new Strategic Partnership with British Fencing

2021 Election of Directors and President

There are seven candidates for the four Board vacancies, and two candidates for President so an election will be held.  There will be two electronic ballots, one for Elected Directors and one for President.

Eligibility to vote

The qualifying date for eligibility to vote will be 22 February.  So if you want to vote, make sure your membership is paid up on that day.  All categories of members aged over 16 on 22 February can vote except the free three-month 'Introduction to Fencing'.  Voting will start on 1 March and close on 17 March.

Please check that your registered e-mail address is one you currently use and that your spam filter is not binning our e-mails.  This is particularly relevant if you were originally a junior member using a parent's e-mail but now have your own.  Instructions for voting will be described on the website but ballots can only be sent to the registered email addresses.  Special arrangements will be made where two or more voting members share one e-mail address.

 The candidates

The Electoral Officer, Ann Urquhart, has received proposal forms to stand for election as Directors from those listed below.  All are supported by the required number of voting members. You can read their supporting statements by clicking on the names.

 Hugh Kernohan

Mhairi McLaughlin

Ross Morrison

Alex Pearson

Matt Pocock

President proposal forms:

George David Liston

Stan Stoodley 

The ballot for Elected Directors will be by single transferable vote so you will be able to rank as many candidates as you wish in order of preference.

Proposals to stand for President have been received from George Liston and Stan Stoodley. 

Role of the Board and President

As part of the Board Directors make decisions about  the strategic direction of fencing in Scotland, the activities of staff and volunteers, the maintenance of  ethical standards and legal obligations, and the safeguarding of the well-being of everyone fencing in Scotland.  Each Director takes responsibility for overseeing a particular area of work (eg development, performance etc).  The Directors elect one of their number to be the Chair of the Board.

The President's role is outward facing:  they are an Elected Director who is further elected to represent Scottish Fencing as its titular and functional head in all public affairs.

Commonwealth Fencing Championships

Hello everyone

With the Commonwealth Championships for Junior & Cadet (CJCFC) and Senior & Veteran (CFC) age groups confirmed for August 2022, Scottish Fencing are beginning the process of planning ahead for both events.

We are making the assumption that both events will happen and any safety protocols can be met either by the host nation and/or by ourselves. Therefore, unless external events dictate otherwise, we intend to send teams to both events. The dates and locations are below.

CFC (Senior & Veteran) – London 11-20 August 2022 (Event website here)

CJCFC (Junior & Cadet) – New Delhi 24-30 August 2022 (CFF website here)

The process of putting together a training programme and travel/logisitics for a representative event is difficult, therefore we are asking those interested in competing, coaching or volunteering to please complete the questionnaire below so our Pathways Manager and Performance Director can begin to build a training programme and workforce designed to make the Scottish Team as competitive as possible at both events.

If you have never competed or volunteered, please don’t let that put you off. We have 18 months before the events and the intention is to build an athlete-centric training squad and training programme to make everyone representing us proud of the Scottish team. Within our questionnaire we haven’t asked for referee volunteers as we will utilise the Referee Advisory Group working with the Pathways Manager and Event Organisers to allocate the referee workforce.

Please do reach out if there are any questions, however if you are interested in being a part of the team in whatever role please do complete the questionnaire below. We will follow up directly with some invites to information sharing sessions and initial discussions with athletes and workforce as we build the team and programme infrastructure.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Paul Vaughan – Director of Performance

Blair Cremin – Pathways Manager


Commonwealth Championships questionnaire is HERE