UPDATED Phase 2 - Scottish Fencing guidance

Hi everyone - with a number of government changes coming in July we’ve updated the guidance document for Phase 2 with changes published by Scottish Government and sportscotland today. There are more to come and we will update and share when we have access to them.

The updated document is available via the link at the bottom of this article.

There are likely to be changes to travel restrictions (current suggested limit is 5 miles from home) for physical activity tomorrow (July 2nd) during the First Minister’s speech at 1230 during the daily COVID briefing.

Hello everyone

Thank you again for all your efforts to keep the fencing community safe by complying with the Phase 1 “Return to Fencing” guidance. We realise the sport still looks very different from what we are used to but it is heartening to see our members play a role in protecting and maintaining public health which at this moment remains our key priority. 

For those of you directly involved or with links to key workers combatting the virus, thank you for everything. This collaborative effort is the key reason we are able to move into Phase 2 of the Scottish Government Route Map out of Lockdown as mentioned by the First Minister on Thursday June 18th.

We are publishing our Phase 2 guidance as developed in partnership with sportscotland and the Scottish Government and whilst it means only small moves in what looks like “regular fencing” – we are of course delighted to support members and families as there is now more opportunity to meet up in a physically distanced fashion with people from more than one household.  

Key points from the Phase 2 guidance are

·       All activity remains outdoor – no indoor facilities will be open

·       Fencing is still an extension to exercise 

·       Physical distancing remains 2 metres from anyone outwith your household or extended household

·       Group sizes stay a maximum of 8 but can now be formed from 3 households or extended households

·       The recommended 5-mile travel limit for physical activity remains in place

·       Coaches can now deliver to fencers from two different households at a time, and should work with no more than two households per day.


As ever, management of risk both with the virus and our standard fencing protocols should be paramount. We have a risk assessment which must be completed (link within our coaching guidance) if you are indeed delivering a session to an individual or group (outdoors and physically distanced of course!) so please maintain the commitment and effort which has helped us get to Phase 2.  

We are committed to working in partnership with the Scottish Government and sportscotland as we progress through the phases and we are extremely grateful for your efforts in maintaining the focus on using fencing as an extension of your daily exercise.

I understand Phase 3 is where the majority of club activity may look to recommence but please do keep an eye on our social channels and www.scottish-fencing.com for our latest training and development opportunities including our “pay what you can afford” training programmes beginning with “Mindfulness in Fencing” – details are here

Our Dropbox with our Phase 2 guidance is here  

Vincent Bryson

Chief Executive

On behalf of the Scottish Fencing Board


Remembering Bert Bracewell

Scottish Fencing is deeply saddened by the death yesterday of Bert Bracewell, who became our National Coach in 1966. 

He was the foundation and inspiration of so much that followed and a profound and lasting influence on the lives of so many of us.  We all have innumerable memories, public and private, of a generous, funny, talented, hard-working coach, mentor and friend.  Anyone who ever picked up a foil, an epee or a sabre in Scotland owes something to Bert whether they know it or not, whether they knew him or not.  And there are many who owe everything to him.

Putting together a proper tribute will take us some time but please share your memories on the Facebook book set up by his family.

(Facebook group set up by the Bracewell family - https://www.facebook.com/groups/311931689824952/?hc_location=ufi )


Moving closer to Phase 2 in Scotland

Hello everyone

As ever, we extend our best wishes and thanks to all our members, their families and loved ones and anyone associated with the fencing community who is involved in the front line battle against COVID-19.

As you may have seen, we have been part of the UK-wide group discussing various scenarios for returning to Fencing and it’s been great to engage with colleagues not just at British Fencing (BF) HQ but those from Wales, England and Ireland in what is a massive effort.

We were delighted to have BF CEO Georgina Usher join us for the Scottish Fencing Board meeting on the evening of June 10th, maintaining our collaborative approach and highlighting areas of mutual benefit for both Scottish Fencing and our BF counterparts.

Whilst collaboration is pivotal in relaunching and restarting fencing in Scotland, we are of course implementing the Scottish changes to sport in line with Scottish Government and sportscotland – the first stage of which was our Phase 1 guidance we published on May 29th.

With BF colleagues publishing their principles and stages for relaunching sport today, these principles will be implemented at varying stages and timescales throughout the Home Nations and as you may be aware the First Minister highlighted she will make a further update on the progression to Phase 2 of the Scottish Government “Route Map out of Lockdown” – Phase 1 of which informed our guidance we published on May 29th.

Phase 2 in Scotland will still mean all activity is outdoor and we await further clarity on issues such as numbers of households permitted to meet and form a “group” and how many individuals are permitted in a group – currently limited to a maximum of 8 individuals across 2 households.

There is also a possibility a different limit on travel may be applied – currently advised to be no more than 5 miles for an individual to engage in activity or exercise.

Scottish Fencing is part of a wider integrated group of all Scottish governing bodies with dialogue happening several times per week. We intend to launch our Phase 2 guidance sometime after Thursday June 18th 2020 and will ensure our members have as much clarity as possible on the situation whenever anything changes.

Vincent Bryson

Chief Executive

Scottish Fencing


Scottish Fencing guidance for Phase 1 out of Lockdown

In light of the remarks from the First Minister yesterday confirming Scotland is moving to Phase 1 of the Route Map out of lockdown, we are pleased to confirm the phased return of fencing in Scotland in line with our attached guidance documents.

This remains a public health issue and as such Scottish Fencing is committed to supporting the Scottish Government as it looks to continue to slow the spread of the virus. We are delighted the sport of fencing can such a positive contribution to the protection of public health in Scotland.

The measures outlined by the First Minister includes include the amendment of current daily exercise guidelines to include certain outdoor sport and activities. With some augmentations Fencing can resume some activity outdoors.

However, this is the beginning of a long process for sport to return in a style considered “normal”and we understand this looks quite different from any standard version of Fencing and there are still a number of things we cannot do until later phases of this plan and government guidance has been received.

Effectively, this is not a return to our sport as we know it but an opportunity for people to use some outdoor non-contact sports as part of daily exercise activities but only within the guidelines. As mentioned by the First Minister, other sports have also been given government approval to return in a phased approach.

The key points to consider are –

• All activity must be conducted outdoor

• Physical distancing of a minimum of 2 metres must be observed at all times when with anyone from out with your household

• Limited interaction with one other household is permitted (provided the 2 metre physical distance element is respected and no group exceeds 8 people)

• Coaching, instruction or personal training can happen in this phase of the return to exercise and sport – please see our “Return to Coaching” document available at the link below.

This will be an ever-moving picture and if there is further clarity needed please do reach out.

If members are able to resume fencing whilst respecting the guidance governments and ourselves have published then of course we’d love to see and share your positive stories. Scottish Fencing are committed to continue working with the Scottish Government and sportscotland for the duration of this crisis and beyond.

Do not leave your home to take part in sport or physical activity if Scottish Government advice means you should stay at home because you or someone you live with has or has had symptoms of COVID-19, or you are in the most vulnerable category and have been advised to shield from the coronavirus.

Please do keep checking the Scottish Government website www.scot.gov and www.scottish-fencing.com for further updates on resuming fencing activity and of course, look after yourself and your loved ones.

Our Return to Fencing and Return to Coaching documents are available here - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lx72jkblvz76rs9/AAB0cJlv388QA5b_GQlXasuVa?dl=0


SF response to First Minister statement

Hello everyone

It was great to hear the announcement earlier from the First Minister and Scottish Government that Scotland is moving into Phase 1 of the Route Map out of lockdown, effective from May 29th 2020. For the fencing community, this means members can conduct some activity (safely) outdoors.

The exciting part is the opportunity to meet with friends or family from one household we may not have seen for some a while – however we must of course be physically distanced at all times and no group of 2 households should exceed 8 people.

In terms of fencing-specific activity, we are looking forward to sharing our guidance on returning to fencing as soon as we have it cleared by Scottish Government and sportscotland. This first phase out of lockdown is a small step and is viewed as an extension to exercise as any fencing activity is far removed from what is considered “normal” fencing.

We are keen to play a part in helping members safeguard their own health and be part of the collective in ensuring public health is maintained as the fight against the virus continues. Should anyone be symptomatic of COVID19 please do check out www.nhsinform.scot for guidance on how to get tested.

In terms of travel, the First Minister confirmed that whilst it would not be enshrined in law, the government recommends travelling no more than 5 miles from home to conduct your outdoor activity.

There is more to come of course and we will share it with you when we have it.

Vincent Bryson CEO Scottish Fencing


SF response to Scottish Government roadmap

Good morning everyone.

It was a pivotal moment yesterday as the Scottish Government launched the route map out of the COVID-19 enforced lockdown. I know there are still questions on “what’s next” for Fencing in Scotland and we will share our plan for restarting shooting over the next few days.

We are part of the British Fencing Home Nations group and are analysing the input we receive from that group along with the legislative changes and advice we are likely to see from Scottish Government and sportscotland.

The Scottish Government route map has 4 phases and the first set of potential easing of restrictions focuses almost exclusively on outdoor sports. There are no easing of restrictions due to be announced until May 28th so for the next few days we are still observing the lockdown criteria which remains to only conduct essential travel and maintain physical distancing at all times if out exercising or shopping.

We will align any return to Fencing with the Scottish Government guidance and I understand the frustration if this looks different to other Home Nations. However, there are other areas where home nation collaboration is key and the positive conversations we have had with British Fencing and other home nations have created a really positive environment.

We are still a long time away from sport looking as it did back in January and February of this year (if it ever does) and maintenance of physical distancing will be with us into the end of Phase 3 of the published Scottish Government guidance with likely retention into Phase 4.

Public sector facility access is still not likely for a number of months so whilst the easing of restrictions will hopefully improve lives the delivery of fencing will still be impacted. To that end, maintaining the fun activities we are seeing on social media from our clubs continues to be vital so please do keep these going and keep sharing with us.

We will publish our “return to fencing in Scotland” first phase guidance next week and in the meantime if there are any questions please do drop me a line on


Vincent Bryson

Chief Executive

Scottish Fencing


CEO Update - no change to restrictions

Good morning everyone


I hope you, your friends and family are safe and healthy as we move into the third month of the current restrictions. 


We know it’s not easy.


Last week, the UK government announced some changes and easement on restrictions to movement. On 8thMay Scottish Fencing made clear our position on such restrictions which is to maintain guidance issued by the Scottish Governement. Link to this article is here and we’ve also made mention of our position several times on our social media channels.


CEO Vincent Bryson is part of the home nations group discussions in how to “return to fencing” and sport in general but the position in Scotland will remain “as is” although we understand the UK government has changed the restrictions in England.


Whilst it may be frustrating to see different guidance in England to the rest of the Home Nations our own position has always been to follow the Scottish Government guidance which is currently “no change” to the lockdown except for a change in the amount of time you may spend exercising outdoors.


Scottish Fencing are also part of a wider group with sportscotland and our other partners in Scotland discussing the collaborative approach as to how sport can return. This is a constantly changing landscape and we expect to publish a roadmap later this month on how fencing can return however the expectation is this will be very slowly and sadly not soon.


The need to introduce new processes on hygiene, kit sharing and storage alongside maintaining physical distancing is not yet fully borne out. With over 90% of our clubs in Scotland reliant on public sector and community venues such as schools we will likely see these venues return to their core use before they return to club or sport provision. This will take time.


Currently, there are still far more questions than answers and I understand it is a frustrating period as we are keen to get back to Fencing. When our position is updated in line with Scottish Government we will of course let you know ASAP but for the moment, please do stay safe and look after yourself and loved ones.


Our staff are still here and working remotely so please drop us a line if you have any queries.






SF Update - Restrictions continue

Good evening everyone

As ever, everyone here at Scottish Fencing hopes you and your loved ones are safe, well and healthy as the restrictions on what we class as “normal” working life remain. For those keyworkers and those families of keyworkers we extend our warmest thanks for all your efforts.

In terms of our position relating to the recent coverage of potential and actual changes to lockdown measures in England & Wales, we take our lead from the Scottish Government position which is to retain the status quo for the next 3 weeks or until any announcement is made detailing what any easing of restrictions looks like. As per the First Minister’s statement earlier on Friday May 8th, the status quo – difficult as it is – will remain in place in Scotland.

There has already been minor alterations to restrictions announced in Wales and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will detail the position within England on Sunday. The differing approaches across devolved governments may seem confusing, but in terms of the sport of Fencing it means we don’t conduct any sporting activity in Scotland until advised otherwise except of course conducting one period of exercise per day on your own or with those people whom you share a household.

Once again, we will take our guidance from the Scottish Government position as and when it changes. When it happens we will of course share the updates.

Internally, CEO Vincent Bryson is part of an industry-wide group working with sportscotland and every other Scottish governing body to share collaborative best practice and this continues to be a healthy example of how a unified approach to restarting sport will best serve the public interest.

Whilst the “restart” of fencing as we know it remains both unknown and likely some time away, I hope you can continue to share and tag us with your home workouts and all the fantastic innovative ways households, families and clubs are still celebrating fencers and fencing.

Thank you for sticking with us and with each other - and on this day of all days rest assured, “we’ll meet again”.



Vincent Bryson


Update on Scottish Fencing events activity

Hello everyone

All of us here at Scottish Fencing hope you are able to #StaySafe and look after yourself and your loved ones at this time. It is of course - to use the popular word - unprecedented with so many facets of what we consider “normal” life paused or changed for the foreseeable future. We know there are many key workers amongst the fencing community here in Scotland and we extend our warmest thanks to you for all your efforts.

We first mentioned some events we had to postpone when this period of safety measures to combat COVID-19 began. These included Scottish Youth Championships and externally we were affected by the necessary cancellation of Challenge Wratislavia 2020. As you may have seen, CW2020 was initially moved to the end of June but has now been taken off the calendar completely for 2020 and will return in 2021.

In line with current thinking around events, we have now cancelled the Scottish Fencing Schools Championships previously in the calendar for June 13/14 2020. The only event we still have in the calendar for 2020 is the Scottish Open scheduled for 28/29 November at Inverclyde National Sports Training Centre in Largs - however we of course haven’t opened any entries as it may be postponed or removed in the coming months. To say the Scottish Open is definitely happening would be a naive move sadly - but we of course hope it does happen as scheduled.

Obviously the lack of sport and activity is disappointing. However, it has been hugely inspiring to see the activity online from our clubs, sharing their home workouts and other activity to keep members and onlookers in good humour. Several clubs such as Salle Holyrood, West Lothian, Dunblane and Salle Ossian have been conducting online activity and we hope the videos we have been producing in partnership with Keith Cook here have been hitting that “workout spot” to keep us all active.

West Lothian Fencing Club are also opening up their club training sessions on Zoom for anyone to join - please do have a look at their facebook page here for more info.

Also, we have now reached Episode 5 of The Big Hit podcast and there are plenty more to come from the team of Sean, Gavin and Kate as they talk to various characters from around the Scottish scene, past and present. Please do catch up with the episodes here or anywhere you get your podcast fix.

Lastly, our Pathways Manager Blair Cremin is contacting all our clubs directly and we will continue to touch base via whatever means are prefereable. All our staff are still working (remotely at home of course) and contactable with any fencing queries you may have.

Whilst it’s strange times, we are still here for you and will help as much as we can. Please keep us tagged in your social media posts so we can share them to the wider community and of course, look after yourself and your loved ones.




An update from HQ

Hello everyone

I wont lie – it’s been a strange few weeks…

There is a significant element of the unknown in our current situation. We thrive on sport - spectating, playing, participating, coaching and educating are all part of the Fencing experience here at home and of course amongst the international community. To not take part in these activities as part of our “normal” life is a truly strange time.

With so many of the indicators pointing to a significant period of time before accessing the sport in any organised form, we have tried to be creative in our offering over the next few weeks alongside helping and supporting those reliant upon the sport for their income.

There is an abundance of information available now and changing on a daily basis for clubs and coaches in particular around support mechanisms along with grants and interest free loans which can be accessed by those meeting criteria. A number of these grants and funds can be found at the bottom of this page or on the SF social channels.

Over the next couple of weeks Blair Cremin (Pathways Manager) and Liz Anderson (Operations Manager) will be in touch with every club directly and our offer remains at it has always been - we are here for you, whenever and for whatever you need us.

Like so many of you, the staff are working from home but we are available and ready for any members queries. One thing we don’t have is the normal office landline so please reach out via email or social channels (contact details are available at the bottom of this page)

However we also realise this may be a time when Fencing needs to take a back seat due to other circumstances around work situations and childcare. We understand that completely and here at SF HQ we have partnered with a few people in the fencing community to provide some accessible fitness classes and home workouts from Keith Cook and the new podcast from The Fencing Podcast which is called “The Big Hit”.

We will have more coming up for people to enjoy at their leisure and if there is something you would like us to do which we haven’t done – please reach out!

We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

There are a number of funds available to access - here’s a list of those we are currently aware of and if new ones become available we will add them and publish on the social channels.

Third Sector Resilience Fund – administered by SCVO here

Business Support Scotland fund - here

Support for Clubs and Communities - from sportscotland Here

Charities Aid Foundation – for any club or organisation registered as a charity - Here

GOV.uk site with Q&A on furloughing staff if appropriate - Here

Scottish Government homepage with all advice on COVID-19 situation - Here

Scottish Fencing Staff details

Blair Cremin (Pathways Manager) Blair.Cremin@scottish-fencing.com

Liz Anderson (Operations Manager) Liz.Anderson@scottish-fencing.com

Vincent Bryson (CEO) Vincent.Bryson@scottish-fencing.com
