UPDATED Phase 2 - Scottish Fencing guidance

Hi everyone - with a number of government changes coming in July we’ve updated the guidance document for Phase 2 with changes published by Scottish Government and sportscotland today. There are more to come and we will update and share when we have access to them.

The updated document is available via the link at the bottom of this article.

There are likely to be changes to travel restrictions (current suggested limit is 5 miles from home) for physical activity tomorrow (July 2nd) during the First Minister’s speech at 1230 during the daily COVID briefing.

Hello everyone

Thank you again for all your efforts to keep the fencing community safe by complying with the Phase 1 “Return to Fencing” guidance. We realise the sport still looks very different from what we are used to but it is heartening to see our members play a role in protecting and maintaining public health which at this moment remains our key priority. 

For those of you directly involved or with links to key workers combatting the virus, thank you for everything. This collaborative effort is the key reason we are able to move into Phase 2 of the Scottish Government Route Map out of Lockdown as mentioned by the First Minister on Thursday June 18th.

We are publishing our Phase 2 guidance as developed in partnership with sportscotland and the Scottish Government and whilst it means only small moves in what looks like “regular fencing” – we are of course delighted to support members and families as there is now more opportunity to meet up in a physically distanced fashion with people from more than one household.  

Key points from the Phase 2 guidance are

·       All activity remains outdoor – no indoor facilities will be open

·       Fencing is still an extension to exercise 

·       Physical distancing remains 2 metres from anyone outwith your household or extended household

·       Group sizes stay a maximum of 8 but can now be formed from 3 households or extended households

·       The recommended 5-mile travel limit for physical activity remains in place

·       Coaches can now deliver to fencers from two different households at a time, and should work with no more than two households per day.


As ever, management of risk both with the virus and our standard fencing protocols should be paramount. We have a risk assessment which must be completed (link within our coaching guidance) if you are indeed delivering a session to an individual or group (outdoors and physically distanced of course!) so please maintain the commitment and effort which has helped us get to Phase 2.  

We are committed to working in partnership with the Scottish Government and sportscotland as we progress through the phases and we are extremely grateful for your efforts in maintaining the focus on using fencing as an extension of your daily exercise.

I understand Phase 3 is where the majority of club activity may look to recommence but please do keep an eye on our social channels and www.scottish-fencing.com for our latest training and development opportunities including our “pay what you can afford” training programmes beginning with “Mindfulness in Fencing” – details are here

Our Dropbox with our Phase 2 guidance is here  

Vincent Bryson

Chief Executive

On behalf of the Scottish Fencing Board