Blair Cremin departs Scottish Fencing

Scottish Fencing can today confirm Pathways Manager Blair Cremin will leave his role at the end of September.

Vincent Bryson, Scottish Fencing CEO had this to say about Blair and his enormous contribution during his time with SF.

“It has been a real pleasure to work with Blair for the last 3.5 years. We are a small staff team so we have got to know each other well and I am absolutely delighted he is moving onto a role which will continue to challenge him professionally. He has done so much in his time which we must continue to drive forwards, including forming the Referee Advisory Group, starting up the #ForgingTheFuture programme, creating new and sustainable relationships with British Fencing and forming the Scottish Fencing Pathway Squad.  

Blair leaves us having made a game-changing contribution towards the sport, particularly as sport moves towards making a significant positive impact on communities and changing lives but more importantly being an authentic leader who put the fencing community’s interest first.  I know the Scottish Fencing community will join me in saying thank-you to Blair”.

Stan Stoodley, SF President said “While everyone at Scottish Fencing is pleased to see Blair’s career develop, we are sad to see him go. Our clubs and members have greatly benefited from the contribution he has made in developing our strategic objectives. Blair’s friendly, enquiring and accommodating professional approach to member consultation and engagement has facilitated many new opportunities for both individuals and clubs within our community. On behalf of the board, staff and members of Scottish Fencing I would like to say thank you and wish him well for the future.”

George Liston, Chair of the SF Board, said “Blair’s contribution has been remarkable.  He has brought a refreshing perspective from beyond the fencing community, built relationships across the sport and earned considerable respect.  Most importantly he has put his heart into his role at SF and he will be a hard act to follow.  I am pleased that his skills and potential have been recognised:  he will be an asset in his new role.  Blair, SF has benefited greatly from your time with us, I am glad to have worked with you and I wish you every success.”

Scottish Fencing will shortly begin a recruitment process with a focus on future requirements for the pathways role. In 2018 we launched our #ForgingTheFuture strategy with a focus on 2025. 

Following the pandemic and a number of shifts in priorities at the government and strategic level, we will share the future plans for fencing in Scotland with members later in the year.

Please keep an eye on our website and social channels for more information.

Vincent Bryson

Chief Executive