SF Club Project Fund

Clubs are now able to submit applications to Scottish Fencing’s Club Project Fund.

The project will be focused on Girls & Women, but clubs can be creative and innovative in how they plan to explore this space. Clubs can consider how their project can link to the Active Scotland Outcomes - more information here.

As part of this fund, there is money to fund two clubs with £1000 each to deliver a project in the early part of 2025. Further funds will also be available to support continuation of club projects and open up further funding of other club projects throughout 2025 - 2029.

If any clubs have questions or would like to have a further discussion around their project idea before submitting their application then get in touch with Daniel at daniel.baker@scottish-fencing.com to arrange a chat.

The deadline for applications is end of November 2024.

SF Club Project Fund Application

A timeline is shown also below for information, but this can be flexible to suit the club’s needs and their projects. It is provided to give a rough timeline for information.

A timeline image that is showing the different stages with dates for project milestones.

A timeline image that is showing the different stages with dates for project milestones.

Please direct all questions and queries to Daniel Baker, Club & Community Development Manager, daniel.baker@scottish-fencing.com