Scottish Fencing 2023 AGM - Awards

As part of Scottish Fencing’s annual tradition we are inviting the fencing community to nominate Scottish Fencing members for each of the awards presented at the Scottish Fencing AGM. The three awards are:

 Crosnier Quaich - Performance in competition.

Nominations for this award are welcome for all age groups and events including veteran, senior, junior cadet and para.

Crosnier Coaching Award - Services to coaching.

All nominated coaches need to be on the British Fencing Coaches Register so please check before nominating the coach you think deserves this award.

Sword of merit
To recognise any individual, club or organisation who has made an outstanding and inspirational contribution to the sport of fencing in Scotland.

You may nominate an individual, a team, a club or an organisation.

Please send your nominations explaining the reasons for each (100 words max per nominee) to

Nominations close noon Monday the 30 October 2023.

We will then publish what the Board consider to be the top three nominees in each category.

A public vote will then take place to determine the recipients of the Crosnier Quaich and Crosnier Coaching Award.

The Scottish Fencing Board will vote to determine the recipient of the Sword of Merit.

We will announce the recipients at the forthcoming Scottish Fencing AGM which will take place on 11 December 2023. To attend the AGM you need a valid membership or be attending on behalf of someone who has a current membership.

I look forward to receiving your nominations.

Your sincerely

Stan Stoodley

Scottish Fencing President

On behalf of the board of Scottish Fencing.