Election of Directors - 2025

Scottish Fencing needs nominations from the membership for four positions on its Board as Elected Directors.  If you want to contribute and make a difference to the leadership of Scottish Fencing, please step forward now. 

The terms of office of George Liston, Hugh Kernohan, Mhairi MacLaughlin and Stan Stoodley come to an end on 18 March 2025.  George and Hugh cannot stand again as they have completed two consecutive four-year terms.  Mhairi has indicated that she will not be seeking re-election. 

In order to stand please return a completed Proposal Form, with the support of at least five members of Scottish Fencing, by 1800 Thursday 13 February 2025.  Nominees must be current members. 

Click here for the Proposal Form

Submitted Proposal Forms will be published on the Scottish Fencing website as soon as they are validated.  An election will be held if more than four valid nominations are received by the deadline. 

The Board comprises seven Elected and three Independent Directors.  Elected Directors serve a four-year term.  Its role is to provide strategic leadership for fencing in Scotland, to oversee the activities of Scottish Fencing's staff and volunteers, to maintain its ethical standards and legal obligations, and to safeguard the mental and physical well-being of everyone fencing here.   

If you would like to find out more you can speak to Scottish Fencing’s current Chair, George Liston, the COO, Alan Martin, or any of the current Board – email alan.martin@scottish-fencing.com to arrange a call back.  You can read a description of the directors’ roles here https://www.scottish-fencing.com/s/20221201-Directors-roles-and-portfolios-updated.pdf

You can also find Scottish Fencing’s Articles of Association, Bye-Laws and other key documents about the Board's work here https://www.scottish-fencing.com/meeting-minutes-strategies

Hugh Kernohan 

Electoral Officer (elections@scottish-fencing.com)