Latest guidance for return of Fencing in Scotland 22 Sep 2020

Good evening

Following the First Minister’s announcement on 22 September 2020 there are no major changes to how people can take part in fencing activities:

·       Those aged 11 and under can fence indoors and out,

·       Those aged 12 and over can fence outdoors.

And although we don’t have an indicative date of when indoor fencing can return for all we can still fence outdoors for now.

Details on maximum numbers and more information about equipment and fencing protocols are all included in the guidance here.

We would like to highlight a couple of points. The further restrictions announced by the First Minister today are actions which aim to suppress the virus.

With that in mind and in the spirit of collaboration we ask clubs to focus on involving as few participants as possible, for the minimum amount of time, whilst still allowing your training sessions to run effectively.


·       training in bubbles of 6 – 8  

·       limiting bouts to no more than 10 minutes (3 bouts to 3 minutes for example)

·       Avoiding close contact fencing

Please also ensure participants leave the training venue as soon as sessions finish and that there is no spectating.

We also ask clubs/COVID officer to note that there is a change in the guidance for anyone coaching indoors. Coaches are now required to wear face coverings indoors to minimise the risk of virus transmission as much as possible.

For any clubs offering indoor fitness and footwork sessions to members aged 12 and over please ensure footwork training is not to face to face. Participants aged 12 and over should avoid sharing air flow and follow 2m social distancing at all times.

We also ask COVID officers to read the guidance published today. There are updates mainly around areas of equality and how to assist those who may find it harder to meet some of the guidance which is in place. Just as an example previous versions of the guidance asked clubs to only accept on-line payments. There is now recognition that this is a barrier to those who don’t have bank accounts and if there are members who need to pay cash this is okay.

So please take the time to read and consider any changes your club may need to make.

As you revisit the guidance if you have any questions please get in touch we are happy to help. Whether it is relating to the guidance or facilities you can reach us at

Many thanks