John McKenzie

Scottish Fencing is sad to report the death on 18 May of John McKenzie, a former international epeeist, Scottish Champion, and a dedicated coach who introduced many school children to fencing over a long period. His family have our condolences and sympathy.

The funeral will be held at 11.30am on Thursday 9 June at Dunfermline Crematorium.

John contributed much to fencing in Scotland and a full obituary will be published later. He had a strong interest in the history of the sport here and assembled a collection of historical material. In the last few months he and his daughter Tracy completed and digitised a full set of the newsletters of the Scottish Amateur Fencing Union, running from 1959 to 1990. These have been presented to Scottish Fencing and we have a project to index them and make them available through the website as a memorial to John.

John also tracked down and preserved two magnificent trophies, presented by two of the founder members of the Scottish Amateur Fencing Union, P J Ford and W G Burn Murdoch, in 1922 and 1933 respectively. He passed these into our hands for safe-keeping and further research.

Trophy presented by W G Burn Murdoch, 1933

Trophy present by P J Ford, 1922
