ForgingTheFuture Programme - Start With Why - Recap (June 2021)

The #ForgingTheFuture programme is Scottish Fencing’s Changing Lives Through Sport development programme for clubs. Changing Lives is a different way to deliver sport, where fencing is used INTENTIONALLY to improve the lives of a person or community. A Changing Lives approach puts the participant at the centre of process, and delivers the sport in a way that prioritises positive social outcomes.

Session 2 - Start With Why

The first section of the session was spent recapping Session 1 (The Power of Sport), and the clubs shared current “Bricks & Bubbles” - that is, what is currently going well and what is a challenge for them. We believe it is important to connect with each other, and begin to build a Community of Practice built on trust.

The theme of the second session was “Start With Why”. After watching Simon Sinek’s famous TED Talk ( together, the clubs explored the difference between WHAT we do, and WHY we do it. Whereas WHAT we do as fencing clubs and coaches is similar, the reasons WHY we do things is often very different. Being able to articulate our WHY as a club allows us to make clear decisions on WHO we want to support and the role we want to play within the fencing community and our local community.

Some of the questions considered & discussed:

-          Why did you fall in love with fencing?  How old where you at the time?

-          What impact have you seen fencing make on people and communities?

-          What role should fencing play in people’s lives?

-          What’s the difference you want to make in the world?

Thank you to the members from Bellahouston, Dunedin, Elgin Duellists, Forth Valley, Glasgow West End, Livingston, Orkney, Shetland and West Fife for your insight and honesty. There is no doubt that investigating ways to use fencing to impact positive social change will allow these clubs to become more sustainable, as government priorities (and funding) change.

Adopting a Changing Lives approach is NOT about stopping the good work our fencing clubs are currently doing such as creating opportunities for people to fence and achieve their potential. It is about doing this as well as reaching out to others, who do not currently access the benefits of our wonderful sport, and using fencing to have a positive social impact.

If you are interested in developing your Changing Lives approach, please get in touch -
