Scottish Fencing can today confirm that Vincent Bryson, CEO, will leave his role at the end of March to take up a new post outside sport.
George Liston, Chair of the SF Board, highlighted the great contribution Vinny has made to Scottish Fencing in his five years leading the staff team.
George said:
“It is with mixed feelings that I tell you Vincent Bryson will be leaving Scottish Fencing in the coming weeks. I say mixed, as our loss is tempered by the fact that he has been successful in securing a significant post outside sport. We have benefited greatly from his experience and expertise throughout his tenure and wish him well in his next job.
Vinny’s contribution has been excellent. He has established a high-quality relationship with our strategic partner sportscotland, culminating this year in a significant uplift in our funding. He built his network across the wider sports community and brought in new ideas that have challenged us and assisted the sport to grow. During the pandemic he became a leading voice for sport in its dialogue with sportscotland, and the Scottish Government. He fought vigorously for all sports and for fencing.
It is Vinny’s ability to make connections, develop a strategy and encourage participation that his new employer will value most. For our part, on top of his hard work we won’t forget his sense of humour or his fascination with 1980’s tracksuits.”
Stan Stoodley, SF President, commented:
“Vinny worked hard for us and has personally been willing to rise to every challenge, from developing strategy to feeding Twitter to laying pistes. His recognition of the importance of the volunteer workforce in sustaining fencing has supported the growth of referee, coach and athlete pathways, delivering improvements at all levels of our sport.”
Sheila Anderson, HR Director said:
“The role of CEO in SF is one of shaping the strategic direction and plugging the gaps. Vinny did both with great success. He has created a harmonious staff team which has worked together to deliver for Scottish Fencing. He built the capability of the staff, enabling us to encourage and support clubs to be at the forefront of the Scottish Government's Changing Lives agenda. This will be a lasting part of his legacy with us.
The effectiveness of his relationship with British Fencing has resulted in work on joint projects, sharing ideas and learning across the staff teams. We look forward to continuing this work. I am glad to have worked with Vinny and wish him every success”
We are currently considering our staff structure in the light of Vinny’s departure. As a result of a successful increased investment bid we have scope to adjust the shape of the team to best use their skills in line with the development we are aiming for.
Please keep an eye on our website and social channels for more information.
Scottish Fencing Board
15 March 2022