De-linking Volunteers with Disclosure Scotland

Scottish Fencing and our member clubs are only entitled to PVG data for those currently working or volunteering in regulated roles in the sport. 

We are currently working on de-linking those no longer involved in the sport but in the past have had regulated roles. These people would have had PVG checks through Disclosure Scotland and will be linked to either Scottish Fencing or a Scottish fencing club.  We need to inform Disclosure Scotland that these people have left the sport and to de-link them to Scottish Fencing and/or any Scottish fencing club.

To help us with this process we emailed clubs and asked them to provide us with the names, membership numbers and the roles for those currently working in their clubs. 

We had asked for this information by 1 September.  

Because we have had such a poor response and because this is such an important legislative piece of work we are now putting out reminders by social media.  

Clubs now have until Tuesday 24 September to return this information – there will be no extensions.  After this date Scottish Fencing will take steps to de-link anyone not listed in a club return.   

If you are a coach this means you will be operating without insurance and committees will be liable for employing coaches and volunteers without PVG checks.  

As a reminder these are the regulated roles in fencing: 

  • Coach 

  • Welfare Officer 

  • Parent Helper 

  • Team manager  

To those clubs who have responded – thank you!