Scottish Clubs and fencers have shown their determination and resilience to work hard for the benefits of all despite the challenges that they have faced during these difficult times.
Parents, coaches, volunteers , fencers, Scottish Fencing and British Fencing staff worked together to support the aspirations and ambitions of those within our fencing community. The Scottish Fencing Awards shine a light in recognition of the effort and commitment demonstrated by members in their journey and development towards their goals.
This year we have seen some remarkable achievements from many individuals and clubs and on behalf of the members of Scottish Fencing and the board as President I would like to say congratulations.
The Crosnier Quaich Award for Performance
Jaimie Cook who’s outstanding achievements both at home and abroad are an inspiration to all our upcoming youth. Jaimie with the help of his club and supporting network is an example of what can be achieved.
(Picture credits Nikki Bruckner
The Crosnier Coaching Award
Kevin Milne who has demonstrated his commitment to help meet the inclusive needs of those in his community. Helping to reduce the barriers to participation and promote active lifestyle engagement through fencing.
The Sword of Merit Award
Moya Nelson, lead Coach of the Orkney Fencing Club for her dedication to the development of her own coaching skills and unwavering support of her club members needs despite the significant challenges faced by the clubs extreme northeasternly location.
As president of Scottish Fencing I would like to recognise all those nominated by our community. These are examples of what you can achieve through vision, commitment, service to the needs of others, resilience, hard work and above all effort to achieve personal accomplishment, community, physical , mental and emotional well being .
Stan Stoodley
President Scottish Fencing