2024 BYC Regional Qualifiers – Central Region volunteer coordinator required

The British Youth Championships (BYCs) will take place on the 4 – 6 May 2024 in Sheffield. To compete at this event fencers must enter a regional qualifier.

Currently there is no organiser for the Central Region in Scotland. Clubs in that region who are keen to enter fencers in the National event will need to recruit a volunteer to administer their Region’s entries. If you know of someone who can take on this role please ask them to email their contact details to admin@scottish-fencing.com

The role requires someone to collect entries (using sport80), organise a local event (if required) and send entries to British Fencing by the deadline 24 March 2024.

The organiser for the Scotland East regional qualifiers will share details of the Scotland East entries once they have finalised details for fencers in this region.

We must also thank David Fielding who has coordinated the Central Region entries for the BYCs for many years. Thank you for all your work supporting our younger fencers to compete at this great event.