Derek Titheradge

Scottish Fencing has just received the sad news that Derek Titheradge has passed away after a short illness. Derek was assistant National Coach for many years. We will share more news when we can.

In the meantime Scottish Fencing sends condolences to Derek’s friends and family.

Sportscotland Coaching, Officiating and Volunteering Awards 2023

Sportscotland have just opened nominations for their annual Coaching, Officiating and Volunteering Awards.

This is a fantastic opportunity to recognise and thank the incredible Coaches, Officials and Volunteers who are involved in fencing. If you know someone who's made a positive impact in fencing through a club, school or community in one of these roles, the COV Awards are a chance to recognise their invaluable contribution.

All nominees will be contacted by Sportscotland and thanked for their contribution. The winners will be recognised within their local setting and will also receive an invite to the COV awards ceremony in November.

There are 12 award categories, listed below.


  • Young Coach of the Year

  • School Sport Volunteer of the Year

  • Community Coach of the Year

  • Disability Sport Coach of the Year

  • Performance Pathway Coach of the Year

  • Coach Developer of the Year

  • High Performance Coach of the Year

  • Young Official of the Year

  • Official of the Year

  • Young Volunteer of the Year

  • Volunteer of the Year​

  • Lifetime Contribution Award

Click the links below for further information and to nominate.

More information on the categories and criteria.

Nomination form.

Scottish Schools Championship 2023

The Scottish Schools Championship took place last weekend at Salle Holyrood Fencing Club. Over the weekend 80 fencers took part across the three weapons with 31 schools represented.

The Best School overall for 2023 was Erskine Stewart's Melville School.

Many of the fencers joined in the fun element of the event and took part in the three weapon trophy. The winners of the three weapon trophies were:

U14 Men - Rio Wan

U14 Women - Alexia Hardie

U16 Men - David Kelly

U16 Women - Abigael McVinnie

O16 Women - Zoe Wagstaff

For full individual results from the event, please click here.

Scottish Fencing would like to thank all of the volunteers who helped out in a variety of roles and helped to make the event a success for the fencers. We really appreciate the support. Congratulations to all of the fencers who took part over the two days and to the families and friends who were there to support.

European Veteran Individual Championships 2023

The European Veteran Individual Championships took place recently in Thionville, France. Scotland were well represented across all weapons and categories. Some highlights of the event for Scottish fencers were Gold medals for Georgina Usher in the Women’s Epee V2 and Vivien Frith in the Women’s Sabre V4, and Bronze medals for Hugh Kernohan in Men’s Epee V3, Silvia Brown in Women’s Sabre V4 and Michele Narey in Women’s Sabre V2.

Congratulations to all of the medal winners and everyone who made the journey to France to compete.

To view full results from the event, click here.

Scottish School Championships 2023

Scottish Fencing can confirm the check-in and start times for the upcoming Scottish Secondary School Championships are:

Saturday - 9-9.15 Foil (all age groups)  9.30 start

Sunday - 9-9.15 Epee (all age groups)  9.30 start

Sunday - 12.30-12.45 Sabre (all age groups) 1.00 start

We need epee referees and sabre referees for Sunday so if you can spare half a day to help our Junior fencers have a memorable event please email us at

UK Anti-Doping Clean Sport week 2023

We’re part of the team, are you? Scottish Fencing is ready to support UKAD’s Clean Sport Week

We all have a role to play in keeping sport fair and clean. Scottish Fencing is proud to reaffirm our commitment to clean sport by backing UK Anti-Doping’s (UKAD’s) Clean Sport Week campaign.

Clean Sport Week is UKAD’s national awareness week championing clean sport, education and anti-doping initiatives with sports across the UK.

This year’s Clean Sport Week takes place on 22 – 26 May 2023. The theme is “Teamwork in Clean Sport”.

Athletes are central to the team, responsible for making sure they compete clean – it's their body, their responsibility. Coaches, doctors, medical staff, parents, and us as the National Governing Body for [insert sport]. We are all part of the team and play a vital role in supporting athletes. Collectively, we need to stay educated, inform athletes of their responsibilities, and create a positive culture that gives athletes confidence to win well, without doping.

In support of UKAD, we’re getting behind Clean Sport Week. We challenge all athletes, coaches, and athlete support personnel to show your team player credentials and work together with athletes to fulfil their anti-doping responsibilities.

We are also proud to be working with UKAD on the Assurance Framework, which National Governing Bodies must complete to show they are meeting their anti-doping responsibilities. As part of this, we’ve been creating an Education Strategy to support athletes early on in their career.

To kick off Clean Sport Week, don’t miss UKAD’s Clean Sport Week webinar on Monday 22 May, which is being broadcast live from Loughborough University and is open to all. The webinar will look at important anti-doping topics and provide advice for all roles in clean sport on being a team player and supporting athletes.

We also encourage anyone in our sporting community that would like to learn more about anti-doping to sign up to UKAD’s Clean Sport Hub where there are free education courses for athletes, students, coaches and practitioners.

Follow @ukantidoping on social media to see a range of educational and exciting content throughout the week.

To find out more about UKAD’s Clean Sport Week initiative click here.

Scottish Fencing Coach Education 24-25 June 2023

The next Coach Education weekend will take place on Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th June 2023

Timings - 10am-4pm

Venue: University of Strathclyde Sport, Health & Wellbeing Centre, 160 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 0RF


All levels are welcome from non-fencers looking to lead plastic fencing classes to experienced fencing coaches looking to build their skills and get qualified in a higher level.

Level One - Coaching the fundamentals - Community Coach

Suitable for club leaders and those teaching plastic fencing

Level Two - Coaching Fencing - Development Coach

Eligibility:To apply you should meet one of the following criteria:

  • have completed Level One and any Action Plan given to you by the tutors, 

  • already hold a coaching qualification, or

  • have coaching experience and understand the principles of how to coach

 Level Three - Club and Competition Coach - Performance Coach

Eligibility: You must hold a Scottish Fencing Level 2 qualification in the same weapon you wish to qualify in.

Cost for Scottish Fencing members is £25 per day, for non-members £45

On successfully reaching the required standard, coaches can apply for certificates. Cost of Level 1 certificate is £60; L2 is £120 and L3 is £180.

To register please complete the Scottish Fencing Coach Education registration form.

If you have any questions please email us at

British Youth Championships 2023

There were some great podium results for Scottish fencers at the recent British Youth Championships.

Thanks to Val Cramb for highlighting these. If anyone is missed please send us a podium picture and we can add their results to this post. You can also find full results of the BYC here.

Congratulations to everyone who took part, here are some highlights:

Gold - Jac Hu, Edinburgh Fencing Club- U14 Girls Foil

Podium picture of BYC U14 Girls Foilists with Gold medal winner Jac Hu holding her trophy

 Silver - Zoe Wagstaff, Salle Holyrood- U18 Girls Foil

Podium picture of BYC U18 Girls Foil finalists including silver medalist Zoe Wagstaff

 Silver - EIlidh Paterson, RTWFC - U14 Girls Epee

 Silver - Orlaith Lindsay Dorward, Salle Ossian - U12 Girls sabre

Podium picture of BYC U12 Girls Sabre finalists including silver medalist Orlaith Lindsay Dorward

Pictures curtesy of British Fencing and V Cramb

British Veterans Championships

Scottish fencers and clubs had a good weekend in Oldham at the British Veterans Championships recently winning three of the six titles and medals in every event.  Sheila Anderson (WF), Mike Mackay (MF) and Georgina Usher (WE) all went home British champions.  There were silver medals for Hugh Kernohan (ME)  and Mo Mansoori (MS), and bronze medals for Nick Mort (MF), Ros Graham and Naomi Donaldson (WS).  Silvia Brown won the 70+ age-category medal in the Women's Sabre;  Hugh, Mo and Naomi won their age categories too.

Congratulations to the medal winners and all who competed.

To view full results, click here.

Thanks to Gillian Aghajan for the images.

DT Training opportunity

We are planning to run two DT training sessions online delivered by Alex Savin and Lorraine Rose. The sessions will cover the running of events, including how to timetable the poules/DE and plan referee cover. 

There will then be an opportunity for some people to practice at the Scottish Schools Championship under supervision from Alex who will support and provide feedback.

The sessions will take place online on the following dates and times:

28th May - 11.00am-1.30pm - via Zoom
30th May - 6.00pm-8.30pm - via Zoom

Places are limited and will be on a first come first served basis. If you would be interested in learning more about what is involved in running a fencing event and would like to register, please click here.